deceased to sell and dispose of the Lands of the said Philip for the
purposes therein mentioned
N.o 10 An Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act to prevent the Mischiefs
arising from the Multiplicity of Useless Dogs and other Purposes
therein mentioned
N.o 11 And an Ingrossed Bill Entituled an Act for the Relief of
several languishing Prisoners in the Goals therein mentioned
Which Bills were severally read and Assented to and sent to the
Upper House with the Paper Bills by M.r Worthington and Col.o
John Hall Esq.r a Delegate returned to serve in this present As-
sembly for the City of Annapolis appeared in the House
Ordered That John Hammond and Samuel Chase do go
with that Gentleman to the Upper House to see him Qualified they
return and acquaint Mr Speaker they saw him take the several Oaths
to the Government required by Law subscribe the Oath of Abjuration
repeat and sign the Test
The Gentleman took his Seat in the House
Daniel Dulany Esq.r from the Upper House delivers to Mr Speaker
The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act for the Relief of such
persons as cannot find Surety for their Appearance to testify as a
Witness against any person Arrested Accused or prosecuted for any
Criminal Matter
The Bin Entituled an Act to enable the several and respective
County Clks within this province to remove some of the County
Records and papers from the public Offices
The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Intitled an Act for
the more effectual Punishment of Negroes and other Slaves and for
taking away the Benefit of Clergy from certain Offenders And a
Suppl.y Act to an Act Entituled an Act to prevent the Tumultuous
Meeting and other Irregularities of Negroes and other Slaves and
directing the Manner of trying Slaves
The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entituled a Suppl.y
Act to an Act Entitled an Act laying an Imposition on Negroes and
several Sorts of Liquors imported And also on Irish Servants to
prevent the Importing too great a Number of Irish Papists into this
The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entituled an Act to
make the Testimony of convicted persons legal against convicted
The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entituled an Act
for the more Effectual Punishment of certain Offenders and for
taking from them the Benefit of Clergy