Agreeable to the Act, and the Books Ballanced, but also by paying
of the publick Debt bring into Circulation at this time, when the
want of it is much felt, the Specie that is at present Locked up in
that Office and such Money as having been remitted to England by
Virtue of several Acts of Assembly still remains there Unappro-
I have not for my part any thing Gentlemen at this time to Ask
of you And it would be Unnecessary for me to recommend to you
the making such new Laws as your Experience teaches you the
Province is in want of, I shall therefore only say that I most Sincerely
wish all your Deliberations may tend to advance the Publick Good
And that altho' you Compose two Houses Yet since your Interest
is the same you may proceed with the Greatest Harmony and as is
your Duty be Unanimous in your Endeavours to promote the Wel-
fare of your Country which I also Consider as my own
M:r Speaker with the rest of the Members returned to the Lower
House and reassumed the Chair.
The House proceeded to the Choice of a Clerk and Chose M :r
Michael Macnemara
Ordered that M.r John Goldsborough and M.r Sulivane do Ac-
quaint his Excellency with the Choice which this House hath made
of a Clerk and to desire his Approbation
They return and Acquaint M:r Speaker that they delivered the
Message. Ordered that M.r John Goldsborough and M.r Sulivane
do go with M:r Macnemara to the Upper House to see him qualified
as Clerk of this House, they return and Acquaint M.r Speaker that
they saw the Clerk take the several Oaths to the Government re-
quired by Law Subscribe the Oath of Abjuration repeat and Sign
the Test and take the following Oath Viz:t You Michael Macnemara
Do Swear that as Clerk of the Lower House of Assembly you shall
true Entries make of all such Matters and things as by the Honour-
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Sept. 23
able Speaker for the time being and that House shall be to you
Directed the Secrets of the said House you shall not Divulge to the
Prejudice of the House or any Member thereof but shall in all
things as Clerk to the said House well and truly demean yourself
According to the best of your knowledge
So help you God
The House Appointed M.r Robert Saunders Serjeant at Arms
Attending this House and M:r Cornelius Howard Doorkeeper and
Ordered that they be qualified in the Usual Manner
M:r Henry Hall Acquaints M.r Speaker That Cap:t Robert
Saunders and M:r Cornelius Howard had taken the several Oaths
to the Government required by Law Subscribed the Oath of Abjura-
tion repeated and Signed the Test and took the Oath of Office Viz:t
p. 339