For the City of Annapolis For Worcester County
Walter Dulany Esq:r M:r Peter Chaille
Samuel Chase Esq:r
For Frederick County
M :r Fielder Ganntt
A Sufficient Number of Delegates to Compose a Lower House
of Assembly being Convened at the Stadt House M.r Ringgold and
M.r John Hanson Delegates for Kent and Charles Countys Attended
on his Excellency to Acquaint him therewith
Richard Lee and John Ridout from the Upper House and
Doctor Upton Scott Clerk of the Upper House came into the Lower
house before whom the aforesaid Delegates took the several Oaths
to the Government required by Law Subscribed the Oath of Abju-
ration, repeated and Signed the Test.
Col:o Hammond and John Ridout Esq:r from the Upper House
Acquaint the Members of the Lower House that the Governor re-
quires their Attendance in the Upper House