Hill, Margaret (late Mrs. John
Paca, Jr.), Mrs. Moses,
xxxvii, 17, 99, 105, 133, 235,
243, 255, 288, 320, 332, 338,
339, 352, 36o, 370, 386, 427,
429, 430, 431.
Moses, xxxvi, 235, 243, 255,
288, 332, 338, 339, 352, 360,
370, 386, 427, 429, 430, 431.
History of Printing in Colonial
Maryland, ixxviii.
Hitch, Benjamin, 581.
John, 582.
Joseph, 581.
Joshua, 582.
Hogs, 210, 458, 544, 546.
Hogsheads, Tobacco, 229, 442,
Holland, John, 336, 450, 453,
454, 487-
Holliday, see Hollyday.
Hollyday, Henry (Talbot Coun-
ty), 555-
James, Esqr., Treasurer of
the Eastern Shore, xxiii,
20, 24, 26, 27, 34, 66, 1 1 8,
119, 126, 146, 175, 186-187,
432, 433.
James, 20, 24, 26, 27, 34, 53,
66, 108, 118, 126, 146, 175,
186-187, 432, 433.
James (Queen Anne's Coun-
ty), xv, 15, 78, 90, 105, 132,
144; on Comm, to draft the
supply bill, 91; sent by the
Lower House, 35, 37, 151; votes, 95, 101, 109, 110, 111,
112, 113, 115, 122, 131, 136,
143, 144, 147, 148, 152.
Sarah, Mrs. James, 119, 186.
Holsters, 122, 124, 341.
Hooper, Colonel Henry (Dor-
chester County), xv, xvi,
xlv, 3, 68, 69, 78, 290, 520.
Hopewell, Hugh, 449, 451, 487.
Hopkins, Gerard (Anne Arun-
del County), 555.
Josh., 580.
Hopper, William, 450, 453.
Horn, William, 576.
Horner, Robert (Charles Coun-
ty), 555-
Horse Races, Act to Prevent,
13, 14, 23, 65, 90, 92, 106,
116, 134, 174, 179-180.
Horse Rangers (Ravigers),
221, 222, 241, 288, 298, 300,
303, 348, 386, 424; see also
Fences, Height of.
Horse Ravigers, see Horse
Horse Stealers, Act for the Pun-
inshment of, 14, 23, 65, oo,
92, 106, 116, 134, 174, 180-
Horses, 210, 458, 544, 546.
Duty on, 50, 274.
Mares, and Colts, 221, 222,
241, 288, 398, 300, 303, 348,
386, 424; see also Fences,
Height of.
Horsey, Outerbridge, 449, 452.
House of Commons, see Great
Houston, James, 582.
How, Robert (Dorchester
County), 555.
Howard, John (Tobacco inspec-
tor), 27, 55, 126.
Hoyward, see Hayward.
Huffington, Levin, 581.
Hugh, Andrew (Frederick
County), 555.
Hughs, Nathaniel, 54, 55.
Humphriss, Eze[kie]ll, 581.
Hundreds, 555, 558, 563.
Hungerford, Thomas, 53, 576.
Hunt, William (Merchant in
London), 186, 187.
Hunting Creek (Calvert Coun-
ty), 449, 451.
(Dorchester County), 449,
Hutchings, James, 576.
Joseph, 575.
Hyland, Nicholas (Cecil Coun-
ty), 54, 55, 555, 587, 588.
Hymon, Charles, see Hynson,
Hynson (Hymon), Charles, 54,
243, 5o8, 576.
John (late of Kent County),
xxxvi, 232, 236, 243, 261,
264, 266, 289, 327, 330, 331,
338, 340, 387, 508, 509-
Major William (Kent Coun-
ty), 68, 78, 103, 104, 105,
290, 313, 314, 35i; O"
Comm, of accounts, 76, 294,
296, 311, 383, 391; sent by
the Lower House, 28, 126,
267, 279, 280, 389, 390, 401,
404; votes, 75, 82, 86, 89,
95, 100, 101, 109, 110, 111,
112, 113, 114, 121, 131, 135,
136, 143, 144, 147, 148, 152,
300, 301, 302, 314, 353, 355,
366, 383, 408, 410.
Imparlance, 345, 489, 505.
Inch, John, 55.
Income Tax, xi, xx, xl, xli,
xliii, ixvii, 544.545-
Commissioners under, 558,
559, 56o, 561, 563, 564, 565,
569, 570; appointment of
554.557, 567; pay of, 566.
Exemptions from, 544, 571.
Publicity for, 566; see also
Estates, Real and Personal; Lucrative Offices and Em-
ployments; Taxes.
Indentured Servants, see Ser-
Indian Landing, 449, 451.
Indians, x, xii, xxxvi, ixx-lxii,
73, 221, 222, 264, 276, 380,
381, 385, 393, 396, 411, 414,
Bill to give bounties for tak-
ing, prisoners, xxxvi, ixxii,
235, 237, 275, 287, 338, 343,
385, 414, 417-419-
Bill to prohibit all trade with,
xxxvi, ixx, 227, 232.233,
237, 240, 249, 287, 317, 318,
319, 327-328, 333, 343, 385.
419; see also Spies; Scalps
and Prisoners; Frontiers
and Frontier Defense.
Informers, Rewards for, xxxvii,
38, 155, 256, 37T, 372, 420,
446, 471, 488, 489, 490, 493,
Ingram, Elizabeth, 580.
Inspection Law, see Tobacco,
Staple of, Act for Amend-
Inspectors (of tobacco), xxiv,
27, 35, 66, 96, 97, 126, 130,
131, 150, 151, 176, 192, 193,
202, 229, 230, 253, 297, 328-
330, 349, 365, 389, 434, 446,
45«, 453.454, 493, 556.
Choice of, 454.457-
Disqualification of, 461.462.
Duties of, 437-440, 446, 452,
461.465, 495-496; see also
warehouses; Salaries.
Ireland, W., 589.
Irish Papists, see Papists, Irish; Irish Servants.
Irish Servants, Act Laying Im-
position on, 14, 23, 65, oo,
93, 94, 95, 106, 116, 134,
175, 184.185.
Iron, Pig and Bar, 544, 547; see
also Furnaces and Forges.
Iron Chest No. i, ixiii, 46, 47,
48, 50, 272, 273, 312, 411.
Iron Chest No. 2, ixiii, 47, 48,
50, 274, 275.
Iron Chests, ixi, 527.
Iron Master, 194.
Jacket, 88; see also Clothing.
Jacob, see Jacobs.
Jacobs (Jacob), Modecai
(Prince George's County),
xv, 68, 78,83, 97, 144, 290;
on Comm, of elections and
privileges, 294; sent by the
Lower House, 171, 260, 286,
303, 350, 377, 412; votes,
75, 82, 86, 89, 95, 100, 101,
109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114,
121, 131, 135, 136, 143, 144,
147, 148, 152, 300, 301, 302,
3T4, 315, 322, 324, 326, 339,
344, 345, 353, 355, 366, 383,
408, 410.
James, Ezekiel, 582.
Janssen, Sir Theodore, xxxiii.
Janssen Town, xxxiii.
Jenator, John, 401.
Jennings, Edmund, ixi, 54.
Thomas, 54, 55, 576.