118, 123, 132, .290, 292, 499,
301, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308,
320, 321, 351, 352, 356, 359,
363, 385, 388, 395; on
Comm, to amend the To-
bacco Law, 328, 331, 347;
on Comm, to draft tobacco
inspection law, 368; on
Comm, of elections and
privileges, 75, 294; on
Comm, to enquire into .....
a college, 307, 316; on
Comm, to enquire into
Green petition, ixxiv, 115,
145; on Comm, on expiring
laws, 299; on Comm, of
grievances and courts of
justice, 76, 294, 299-300,
301, 305; on Comm, on
highway improvement, 322;
on Comm, to inspect the
public offices, 76; on confer-
ence committee, 251, 252,
363, 365, 367; sent by the
Lower House, 13, 85, 157,
236, 241, 266, 292, 340, 348,
389; votes, 75, 82, 83, 86,
87, 89, 95, 101, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 122, 131,
136, 143, J47, 152, 300, 301,
302, 314, 315, 322, 324, 326,
339, 344, 353, 355, 366, 383,
408, 410.
Joseph, 55, 576.
Hallams Lookout (Land), 204.
Hamilton, Dr. Alexander, 55.
Part., 575.
Hammond, Belinda, 428.
Caroline, 428.
Charles (treasurer of the
Western Shore), xxx, 391.
Colonel Charles (Upper
House), xiv, xxix, xxxiii,
ixi, ixiii, 40, 53, 55, 214, 272,
273, 307, 323.
James, 428.
John (Anne Arundel Coun-
ty), xl, xlii, xlvii, 9, 75, 78,
83, 92, 97, 102, 103, 104, 105,
115, 118, 119, 132, 137, 154,
170, 200, 292, 209, 303, 304,
307, 308, 3T3, 314, 347, 356,
372, 396, 410; on Comm, to
draft the supply bill, 89; on
Comm, to enquire into .....
a college, 307, 316; on
Comm, on expiring laws,
299; on Comm, of griev-
ances and courts of justice,
294, 301; on Comm, to
inspect the public offices,
76, 295; sent by the Lower
House, 173, 218, 242, 257,
280, 292, 206, 350, 371, 382,
404; votes, 75, 82, 86, 89,
100, 101, 109, 110, 111, 112,
113, 114, 121, 131, 135, 147,
148, 152, 300, 301, 302, 353,
355, 366, 383, 408, 410.
Jolm (3un uf Chculca), 5.5.
Larkin, 428.
Laurence, 54.
Mary, 428.
Mordecai, 54.
Nathan, 48.
Philip (deceased), xxxiii, 307,
323, 449-
Sarah, Mrs. William, 428.
Thomas, 428.
Thomas John, 54.
William, 53.
Col. William (of Baltimore
County, deceased), xxxvii,
235, 245, 255, 288, 332, 338,
339, 352, 370, 386, 427-431.
William, Jr., 428.
Hands, B., 580.
Handy, George, 582.
Isaac, 582.
Robert, 582.
Thomas (Worcester County),
555, 582.
Handy's Landing, Town at, 252,
354, 364, 375; see also Carrs
Hanson, John, Jr. (Charles
County), xiv, 71, 78, 103,
104, in, 144, 145, 151, 154,
304, 331, 332, 347, 359, 377,
384, 385, 399, 404, 4io; on
Comm, to amend the To-
bacco Law, 328; on Comm,
to draft the supply bill, 89;
On Comm, to draft tobacco
inspection law, 368; on
Comm, to enquire into .....
a college, 307, 316; on
Comm, to enquire into Lus-
by petition, 331.332, 328-
339; on Comm, to examine
the agents' accounts, 343;
on Comm, to inspect the
Loan Office, 10, 29, 46, 55,
76, 137, 271, 276; on Comm,
to prepare the estimates,
xxxix, 87; on conference
committee, 251, 252, 363,
365, 367; sent by the Lower
House, 10, 22, 24, 32, 38,
76, 80, 117, 143, 145, 153,
154, 222, 265, 267, 286, 306,
319, 383, 391, 413; votes,
75, 82, 86, 89, 95, 100, 101,
112, 113, 114, 121, 131, 135,
136, 143, 144, 147, 148, 152,
314, 315, 323, 324, 326, 339,
344, 353, 355, 366, 383, 408,
Lieut. Robert, 400.
Samuel (Charles County),
Walter (Late sheriff, Charles
County), 51, 273, 406.
Harmer's (Harman's) Town,
xvii, xxxiv, 20.
Harris, Benton (Worcester
County), 69, 78, 98, 99, 290,
306, 339, 370, 376, 380; on
Cumin, of accounts, 320; on
Comm, of elections and
privileges, 75, 204; on
Comm, to enquire into
Clajon petition, 118, 124;
on Comm, to inspect the
public offices, 76, 295; sent
by the Lower House, 38,
153, 154, 244, 354; votes,
75, 82, 83, 86, 87, 89, 95,
IOI, IO9, 110, 111, 112, 113,
115, 122, 131, 136, 143, 144,
147, 148, 152, 300, 301, 302,
314, 315, 323, 324, 326, 339,
344, 345, 353, 355, 366.
Harrison, Benjamin, 54, 55.
Richard, 54, 55, 449, 451.
Samuel, 55, 576.
Thomas (Baltimore County),
xxxii, xxxiii, 270, 392, 304.
395, 396-397.
Harvard, Samuel, 55.
Hath, Smith, 581.
William, 582.
Hats, 88; see also Clothing.
Havre de Grace, xxvii, xxxiv.
Hawkins, Elizabeth (Skinner),
Mrs. John Stone, xxxv,
234, 358.
John, Jr. (deceased), 450, 453.
John Stone, xxxv, 234, 331,
333, 345, 346, 353, 358.
Hay ward (Hoy ward), William
(Somerset County), xv,
ixii, 68, 74, 78, 98, 09, 105,
132, 151, 171, 297, 304, 305,
306, 320, 321, 322, 338, 346,
347; on Comm, of accounts,
76, 297, 311; on Comm, to
amend the Tobacco Law,
328, 331; on Comm, to en-
quire into ... a college,
307, 316; on Comm, on ex-
piring laws, 79, 95, 297;
sent by the Lower House,
30, 39, 84, 144; votes, 75,
82, 83, 86, 87, 89, 95, ioi,
109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115,
122, 131, 136, 143, 144, 147,
148, 152, 300, 301, 302, 3M,
315, 323, 324, 326, 339, 344.
Heard, Stephen, 400.
Hearn, Elijah, 582.
John, 582.
Hedges, William (Sheriff, Cecil
County), 51, 273, 406.
Helms, Mayberry, 201.
Helmsley, William (Queen
Anne's County), 555.
Hemp, 469, 544.
Henry, Colonel Robert Jenckins
(Upper House), xiv, xxix,
31, 37; sent by the Upper
House, 38, 154, 171.
Hepburne (Hepburn), John, 54.
Hereditaments, 545, 548, 549,
549, 553, 556, 562.
Highway Improvement, 322.