said; and all and every Person and Persons, Bodies Politick and Cor-
porate, any Way concerned in the making and keeping ready Lists or
Accounts of their personal Property, as herein before directed, and in
paying the several Sums by this Act directed to be rated, assessed
and paid, shall yearly and every Year, after the first, for and during
Three Years, and for one other Year, if it shall be found necessary as
aforesaid, do and perform the several Services and Duties, Matters
and Things, and make the several Payments required of them re-
spectively, on, by, and within the respective Days and Times, and at
the respective Places by this Act directed, for doing, performing and
making the same for the first Year, and under the like Penalties and
Forfeitures, to be recovered and applied in the like Manner.
CIV. Provided alway, and it is hereby Declared, That nothing
herein contained shall charge, or be construed to charge, his Ex-
cellency Horatio Sharpe, Esq; or the Governor or Commander in
Chief of this Province, for the Time being, with the above mentioned
Duty or Payment of One Shilling in the Pound by the Year, for or in
Respect of any Salary, Fees, Profits, Perquisites, or Advantages, to
him arising or growing due as Governor or Commander in Chief; but
that his said Excellency, and the Governor or Commander in Chief,
for the Time being, in respect of the same, shall be clear from all the
Taxes, Impositions, and other publick Charges, herein before im-
posed; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwith-
CV. Provided always, That if the said Sum of Forty Five Thou-
sand Pounds shall be raised by the Ways and Means herein before
mentioned and specified, and the Purposes, Intentions and Designs
of this Act, be fully answered in the Space of one or two Years, or
by one or two Assessments, Collections and Payments, made accord-
ing to the Directions thereof, then this Act shall have no longer
Duration or Continuance, but the same shall terminate and cease,
any Thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
p. 59