shall, during the same Time, have and receive a Salary at the Rate
of Eighty Pounds Current Money per Annum, and no more.
XIV. And be it further Enacted, That the Bills of Credit that
shall be Emitted by Virtue of this Act, shall be Current for and
during the Continuance of this Act, and no longer, and for all that
Time shall pass and be received in Payment, Satisfaction, and Dis-
charge of all Sums of Money to be paid in Virtue of this Act, and
of all such Contracts, Debts, Lawyers and Officers Fees, and Levies,
and all such Bounties, Rewards, and Allowances, given and allowed
by an Act of Assembly of this Province, in Money or Tobacco, and
all such Fines, Forfeitures, and Penalties, settled or established in
Money or Tobacco, by any Law of this Province, and all Fines and
Forfeitures for Offences at Common Law; and of all such Rates,
Duties, and Impositions upon the Importation or Exportation of any
Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, Servants and Slaves, (making the
usual Allowance of Thirty-three Pounds Six Shillings and Eight
Pence per Cent, between Sterling and Currency) and of all other
Debts, of what Nature, Quality, or Degree soever, now due, or
which shall hereafter arise or become due, during the Continuance
of this Act, which, by the Laws of this Province, shall and may be
paid in any Bills of Credit Emitted and made Current in this Prov-
ince, or in Gold or Silver. The Rates, Duties, Impositions, Fines and
Forfeitures, payable and imposed by the Act, for his Majesty's Ser-
vice, made at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City of
Annapolis, the 17th Day of July, One Thousand Seven Hundred and
Fifty-four, and the Act for granting a Supply of Forty Thousand
Pounds for his Majesty's Service, and Striking Thirty Four Thou-
sand and Fifteen Pounds Six Shillings thereof in Bills of Credit,
and raising a Fund for sinking the same made at a Session of As-
sembly, begun and held at the City of Annapolis, on Monday the
Twenty-third Day of February 1756, and Debts due to the Public
on the Collection thereof, and Debts due to the Commissioners or
Trustees aforesaid, in their public Capacity, of Bills for Credit,
Emitted or to be Emitted, on Loan excepted. And in Order the more
securely to establish and keep up a Value in the said Bills of Credit,
equal to that of Current Money of America, according to the Act
of Parliament aforementioned, and that it may the more fully and
certainly answer all the good Purposes, for which by this Act it is
intended to be Emitted, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
That it shall and may be lawful for any Person or Persons, to pay
and discharge all and every the Rates, Assessments, Impositions,
Forfeitures and Penalties by this Act granted, assessed, or imposed,
either in and by the said Bills of Credit, or the following Species of
Gold and Silver coined Money, provided the same be undipped, at
the following Rates, that is to say, English, French, and Spanish
Silver, at Six Shillings and Ten Pence Farthing per Ounce, and
p. 18