and Employments. And I will, as far as in me lies, keep just, true,
and regular Accounts of all the Bills of Credit, which shall be issued
and paid out of the said Office, and the Names of those to whom
the same shall be paid and delivered; and also, just, true, and regular
Accounts of all the Bills of Credit, and Sums of Money, which, by
Virtue of the said Act, shall be paid and received, and by whom,
into the said Office, and all other necessary Accounts relating to the
said Bills of Credit; and true Entries make of all other Proceedings
and Transactions of the said Commissioners or Trustees, relative
to their Duty under the said Act, without any fraudulent Practice
whatsoever: So help me God." Which Justice of the Peace, so ad-
ministering such Oath, is hereby required immediately to deliver a
Certificate of such Clerk's having taken such Oath to the Clerk of
the Provincial Court, who shall file the same in his Office. And the
said Clerk before he shall enter upon the Execution of his said Office,
shall enter into Bond with two sufficient Sureties, in the Penalty of
Seven Hundred Pounds Current Money, for the true and faithful
Performance of his Duty, under this Act, and the said Bond shall
be entered into, proved, indorsed, delivered, recorded, and deposited,
in the same Manner, and in the same Office, and a Copy thereof shall
be Evidence in the same Cases, as is directed in Relation to the Bonds
of the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid.
XII. And be it further Enacted, That each of the said Commis-
sioners or Trustees, for the Time being, who shall undertake and
execute the aforesaid Trust, shall be allowed for his Trouble and
Service therein, for and during the Continuance of the Act for
Emitting and making current Ninety Thousand Pounds Current
Money of Maryland, in Bills of Credit, Ten Pounds Current Money
per Annum, and no more.
p. 17
XIII. And to prevent any Doubts which may arise, whether the
Commissioners or Trustees for Emitting the Bills of Credit estab-
lished by Act of Assembly, who may then be in Office, and their
Clerk, will have Power to proceed in the Execution of this Act, after
the Expiration of the Act by which they were originally constituted;
Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That after the Expiration
of the said Act, the said Commissioners or Trustees shall be, and are
hereby continued, and shall have Succession, Power to choose a Clerk,
and full Power and Authority to act and do, in all Respects what-
ever, necessary for, and relative to, the Execution of this Act, until
the Purposes thereof are fully answered and complied with, as if the
said Act by which they were so constituted, were in full Force: And
as from that Time the Business of the said Commissioners or Trus-
tees and their Clerk will be very considerably lessened, each of the
said Commissioners or Trustees shall from thence, during the Con-
tinuance of this Act, have and receive a Salary at the Rate of Eighty
Pounds Current Money, per Annum, and no more, and their Clerk