The Upper House. 53
they Account for, And as it does not appear that the Sheriffs do
Transfer or deliver any Account of the Arrears due for Excise to
their Successors, The Ballances uncollected by them during their
being in Office may be lost to the Country Your Committee appre-
hend that by the great Disproportion of the Excise Collected in the
Several Counties since that duty was established that the Collectors
in some of the Counties have been very deficient in their duty and
that the Matter may appear, your Committee give the following
Account what each County has paid,
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
April 24
p. 79
Saint Marys .....
£439.. 5.. 10
Cecil .........
Charles .......
Kent .........
Prince Georges .
788.. i.. 8
Queen Anns .....
1 103.. 12.. 4|
Calvert .......
357- 6..ii|
Talbot ........
830..I3-- 3f
Ann Arundel ...
1553- 5- 6
Dorchester ....
554..II- 4f
Frederick .....
808.. ii.. 8
Somerset .....
288.. 5.. 8|
Baltimore .....
672.. 6.. o
Worcester ....
i6r.i8.. if
Your Committee in Order to give the Honourable Houses an
oppertunity of Judging of the Solvency of the Several Persons and
their Securities who are Indebted to Office upon Bond or Mortgage
and to shew the Principal due by the said Bonds with the Interest
thereon to the year 1762, and and how farr the Commissioners have
Complyed with the Directions of the Acts relative to their duty in
these Respects have inserted the following List
Sums on
Principal Names
Securities Names
Interest due
Col." Charles Hammond
.James Holliday Esquire.
ilOO.. O.. O
£4.. 0.. O
Michael M.oNemara ...
.Walter Dulany Esq.r.......
100.. 0.. O
12.. 0.. 0
ditto.. ditto ...........
.Dan:l Dulany Esq:r....
5.. 12.. 0
Samuel Wilson ........
.William Stewart .......
100.. O.. O
12.. O.. 0
William Stewart ......
. Samuel Wilson ........
IOO.. O.. O
12.. 0.. O
James Campbell ......
.James Johnson Junior...
50.. o., o
8.. 0.. 0
William Thomas ......
.John Anderson ........
50.. o., o
6.. 0.. 0 p. 80
John Dennis ..........
. Richard Burdus ........
60.. o., o
2.. 8.. o
Cap.th Geo: Belt
(Baltimore) ........
. William Govane .......
27..I5- 4
I.. 2.. 2
George Thorpe .......
.D.r Charles Carroll.....
ioo.. o., o
28.. o., o
William Brown .......
.James Dick ............
loo., o., o
4.. o., o
Edward Dorsey .......
. Caleb Dorsey ..........
IOO.. O.. O
12.. 0.. O
Caleb Dorsey .........
. Edward Dorsey .......
IOO. O.. 0
12.. O.. O
Henry Dorsey Junr....
. Caleb Dorsey ..........
ioo. o., o
12.. 0.. 0
Edward Brown .......
. Benjamin Sailer .......
IOO. O.. 0
IOO.. O- O
Christopher Randell .....
.William Hammond ....
25.. o., o
4.. o., o
Benjamin Pierce ......
. Joshua George .........
IOO.. O.. O
13.. O.. O
ditto, .ditto ...........
. William Rumsey .......
50.. o., o
4.. o., o
Henry Trippe .........
. Solomon Edmondson .....
75- o., o
69.. o., o
ditto.. ditto ...........
. Levin Gale ............
80.. o., o
73..I2.. o
William Dallam ......
. John Paca .............
50.. o., o
2.. O.. O
Henry Baily ..........
. Mortgage .............
50.. o., o
62.. o., o
John Hammond Son of
Charles ............
.Adam Shipley .........
50.. 8.. o
16.. o., o
David Weems ........
. Thomas Sparrow ......
75.. o., o
21.. O.. 0
ditto .................
. John Weems ..........
ioo.. o., o
8.. o., o
Nathaniel Nickham
[Wickham ?] .......
.John Diggs ............
SO.. 0.. 0
52.. o., o
George Garnett .......
.William Raisin ........
IOO.. O.. 0
4.. o., o
James Keech ..........
. Thomas Hungerford .....
58.. o., o
13.. o., o