the several and respective Denominations following, and no other,
to wit, Sixteen Thousand Bills of Twenty Shillings each, Sixteen
Thousand Bills of Fifteen Shillings each, Sixteen Thousand Bills of
Ten Shillings each, Sixteen Thousand Bills of Five Shillings each,
Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Eighty-two Bills of Two Shillings
and Six-pence each, Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Eighty-two
Bills of One Shilling and Six-pence each, Eighteen Thousand One
Hundred Eighty-one Bills of One Shilling each, Eighteen Thousand
One Hundred Eighty-two Bills of Six-pence each. And the Sum of
Money that each and every of the said Bills is to pass for, shall be
Printed at the Top of such Bill, in Words at Length, and the said
Bills of Credit shall be Stamped and Struck off, as near as may be,
with the same Stamps and Marks, with which the last Emission of
Bills of Credit were Stamped and struck off, but shall be printed with
such different Types, and shall be Stamped and struck off by Trans-
position of the said Stamps and Marks, in such Manner, as the said
Commissioners or Trustees shall direct, and the said Stamps and
Marks shall, by the said Commissioners or Trustees, be delivered out
of their Office to the Printer, who shall be employed to Print the said
Bills of Credit for that Purpose; and the said Bills of Credit so
Printed, Stamped and Struck off, the said Commissioners or Trustees
shall carry to, and deposite in their Office; and the same, as soon as
conveniently may be, shall Sign, Date and Number, beginning each
Denomination of Bills, at Number One. And the said Commissioners
or Trustees are hereby directed and Required to use their best Care
and Diligence, that the said Bills of Credit, according to their respec-
tive Denominations aforesaid, and according to the Manner and
Form aforesaid, be forthwith Printed, and made ready for Emission,
and that the Number thereof be not exceeded, or any clandestine or
fraudulent Practice used by the said Printer, his Servants, or Others
concerned therein.
III. And be it further Enacted, That the Printer who shall or may
be employed in Printing, Stamping and Striking off the Blank Bills of
Credit aforesaid, and all his Apprentices and Servants, which he shall
any Way employ in the said Work, shall, before he or they begin or
enter upon the same, take, before some Justice of the Provincial or
County Court, the following Oath, to wit, "I A. B. do Swear, that I
will truly, faithfully and honestly perform my Duty of Printer, agree-
able to the Directions of an Act of Assembly of this Province, entit-
uled, An Act for granting a Supply of Forty Five Thousand Pounds
for his Majesty's Service, and for defraying the Expences heretofore