U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
April 24
p. 72
C:r Iron Chest N.o 1.
By Money lent upon Interest from February 6.th
1758 to March 31."' 1762 inclusive...........
3887.. 16.. 5 1/2
By ditto paid the Commissioners at Sundry times
their Salary in quarterly payments for Same
time ..................................
1080.. — .. —
By ditto paid the Clerk his Salary in Same Man-
ner ....................................
364.. 3-.10
By ditto paid ditto for cleaning Office for same time
By ditto paid for wood and other Necessary's for
Office for Same time .....................
25.. 4.. 7
By ditto paid Daniel Dulany and Stephen Bordley
Esquires for Advice .....................
10.. — .. —
By ditto paid Upton Scott Sheriff of Ann Arundel
County for Sheriffs and Secretarys fees in
Same Manner ..........................
18..19.. 4 1/2
By ditto paid Nathan Hammond due the Estate of
John Raitt for Quit Rents and Land Tax on
Lands made by fieri facias from the Estate of
William Cummings .....................
2.. I.. 2 1/2
By Money paid Richard Dorsey for Quit Rents
on Said Lands .........................
1..16.. 71
By ditto paid ditto for ditto on S.d Lands due Igna :ts
Diggs .................................
1..16.. 71
By Money paid Capt.n Curling and Cap.th Chew for
Primage of Two Trunks of Goods from Lon-
don ...................................
4 ...-,-
By Money Paid to Iron Chest N.o 2. being the over
plus on the Act in 1754 at Settling Accounts...
- 167.. 5.. 2i
Ballance in Iron Chest N.o 1 March 31.st 1762.......
5591.. 3.10 3/4
14829.. 2.. 1 1/4
£20420.. 6.. o