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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 327   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 327

On Motion of Mr Ringgold that an amendment be made in the
Inspection Law that proprietors of Inspection houses be restrained
by a Clause in the Bill, from making any private use of said houses.
Resolved Accordingly.
Benedict Calvert Esq.r from the Upper house delivers to Mr
Speaker a petition of the Rector & Vestry of all faith parish in S.'
Mary's County, a petition of James Davis a petition of Draper Lusby
and ffrances his Wife of the last will and testament of John
Hynson late of Kent County deceased and Mathew Bryan of Queen
Anns County a petition of Richard Richardson eldest Surviving Son
of Richard Richardson late of ffrederick County deceased and a
petition of Daniel Cresap Michael Cresap John Walker Nathan
Triggs William Young Abraham Richardson & Ezekiel Johnson.
Severally Ind.d By the Upper house of Assembly Octr 1763,
Read and referred to the consideration of the Lower house of As-
sembly which petitions were severally read here and Ordered to lye
on the Table.
The house adjourns till 2, of the Clock

Post Meridiem
The house met according to Adjournment &c.a
On Motion the question was put, that an Amendment be made in
the Inspection Law relative to Crop Tob.o Resolved in the Negative.
John Ridout Esqr from the Upper house, delivers Mr Speaker the
Bill Ent.d a Supplementary Act to the Act Ent.d An Act for the
relief of Creditors and to prevent frauds and deceipts occasioned by
Secret Sales & Mortgages & Gifts of Goods and Chattels Ind.d By
the Upper house of Assembly Octr 1763. Read the first time &
ordered to lye on the table and thus By the Upper house of Assembly
20,th Oct,r 1763. read the 2d time & will pass.
Signed p Order J. Ross, Cl. Up. ho.

And the Bill Ent.d an Act for prohibiting all trade with Indians
for the time therein mentioned Ind.d By the Upper house of As-
sembly 17th Oct.r 1763 Read the first time & Ord.d to lye on the
table and thus By the Upper house of Assembly 20th Octr 1763

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 20

Read the Second time and with the following amendments, will
pass in 2.d line of 2.d page, leave out these Words, Viz.t and shall
immediately upon Seizure become the property of the person or
persons so Seizing the same, and insert the following, and Such
person or persons so Seizing the Same Goods, Wares Commodities
and Merchandizes, shall at the next County Court to be held for the
County wherein Such Seizure Shall be made, give information to
the Court, who are hereby ordered and impowered to Condemn the
same Goods to be sold at Public Auction, and the money arising

p. 128

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 327   View pdf image (33K)
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