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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 318   View pdf image (33K)
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318 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.

L. H. J.

Liber No. 52
Oct. 15

Ordered that Mr James Tilghman Mr Hayward Col.o Tilghman
Mr Hall Mr Johnson and Mr Key do prepare and bring in a bill for
the purposes therein mentioned.

The house adjourns till Monday Morning at 9. of the Clock

Oct. 17

Monday Octo.r 1763.

The house met according to Adjournment, the Members were
called and all appeared as on Saturday Except Major Waring Mr
Dent and Mr Henry Hall.

The proceedings were read
M.r J. Hammond Dorsey appeared in the house

Mr Key from the Committee of Accounts acquaints Mr Speaker
that that Committee for expediting business had chosen Mr Isme
Baly as a Clerk in the room of Mr John Allein Thomas who declined
acting on Saturday last and desires the Approbation of the house,
the house approves the Choice and Ordered that he be qualified in the
Usual manner.

Doctor Steuart acquaints Mr Speaker that Mr Isme Baly had taken
before him the several Oaths to the Government required by Law
Subscribed the Oath of Abjuration repeated and Signed the Test
and also the following Oath (Viz )

You Isme Baly, do swear, that you will true Entries make of all
such matters and thing as shall be to you directed by any Committee
of the Lower house of Assembly for whom you shall Act as Clerk;

and that you will not divulge the Secrets of the said house of Assem-
bly or of any Committee thereof, but will in all things well in and truly
demean your Self according to the Best of your knowledge.

p. 118

So help you God.

Mr James Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker a bill
ent.d an Act for prohibiting all trade with the Indians for the time
therein mentioned which was read the first and Second time by
an especial Order & passed unanimously.

John Ridout Esq.r from the Upper house delivers to Mr Speaker
a ptition of the Vestry and Church Wardens of Saint Anns parish
in Ann.le County. Ind.d by the Upper house of Assembly Oct.r
1763. Read and referred to the Consideration of the Lower house
of Assembly which was here read and Ordered to lye on the Table.

Col.o Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker an Address
to his Excellency which read approved and ordered to be Ingrossed.

Col.o Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker the following
Ingrossed Address (Vizt)

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1762-1763
Volume 58, Page 318   View pdf image (33K)
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