The Upper House. 287
A Bill entitled, An Act impowering Richard Richardson of Fred-
erick County, to sell and dispose of the Lands which belonged to his
deceased Father Richard Richardson, and to apply the Money arising
therefrom to the uses of his said Fathers Will.
A Bill, entitled, An Act to impower the Justices of Charles County,
to Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of Port Tobacco Parish, in said
County, an Additional Sum, not exceeding Two pounds of Tobacco
per Poll, annually for the further Support of an Organist in the
said Parish.
A Bill enttiled, An Act for erecting a Public School in Frederick
A Bill entitled, A Supplementary Act to an Act, entitled, An Act
for the Speedy and effectual Publication of the Laws of this Prov-
ince, and for the Encouragement, of Jonas Green, of the City of
Annapolis Printer.
A Bill entitled, An Act to revive Kent County November Court,
and to continue the Process therein.
The following Bills being assented to before were Signed by the
A Bill entitled, An Act for giving a Bounty for taking Indian
Prisioners, and other purposes therein mentioned
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 26
A Bill ent.d An, Act for prohibiting all Trade with the Indians,
for the time therein mentioned.
A Bill entitled, An Act continuing An Act, entitled, An Act for
Relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from some Aggrievances
in the Prosecution of Suits at Law, and for continuing the Supple-
mentary Act thereto.
A Bill entitled, An Act continuing, An Act entitled a Supple-
mentary Act, to the Act, entitled, An Act for the Relief of Creditors
in England against Bankrupts, who have imported Goods into this
Province not accounted for.
A Bill entitled An Act continuing An Act entitled, An Act for
increasing the Allowance of Grand and Petit Jurors, who shall attend
the Provincial Court, to limit Costs with respect to Witnesses, and
granting them an Allowance for itinerant Charges.
A Bill, entitled An Act continuing An Act entitled an Act for
preventing Indians disaffected to the British Interest in America
from coming into this Province as Spies, or any other Evil Design,
A Bill entitled An Act continuing An Act, entitled An Act to
prevent Persons from Secreting, Boats, Flats, and other Vessels,
drove by Stress of Weather, or otherwise from Landings or Moor-
A Bill entitled An Act continuing An Act, entitled An Act to
remedy some Evils relating to Servants.
p. 197