U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 26
order to mislead others we think it necessary to tell you plainly that
it was not the Intention nor is it the Desire of this House to have a
Poll Tax laid for Payment of the Publick Creditors if their shall be
Money enough in the Treasury for that Purpose exclusive of what
has been raised for His Majesty's Service, We are very far Gentle-
men from being desirous to lay any Burthen on the Inhabitants that
can possibly be avoided, and well would it be for the Good People
of this Province of whose Applause You seem so Confident, if it was
as much in our power as Inclination to lighten those that will Neces-
sarily fall on them
p. 195
A Bill from the Lower House by Mess.rs Hanson and Wright
Ent.d An Act for the Better regulating of Ordinarys and Ordinary
Keepers within this Province thus Endorsed.
By the Lower House of Assembly 26 Nov.r 1763.
Read the first and second time by Especial order and will pass
Signed p order MMacnemara Clk Lo Ho:
Richard Lee and Benedict Calvert Esq.rs, sent to the Lower House
to acquaint the Speaker that his Excellency requires his immediate
Attendance with the Lower House to see the Bills passed both Houses
this Session receive the Assent. The Lower House Attend and by
their Speaker present to his Excellency the following Bills.
A Bill entitled, An Act to prohibit raising of Swine, and Geese
in Charles Town in Charles County.
p. 196
A Bill entitled, An Act Impowering the Justices of Prince Georges,
and Charles Counties, to Levy on the Taxable Persons of S.t Johns
(commonly called King Georges Parish, in the said Counties, the
sum of Fifty Six Thousand Pounds of Tobacco for the necessary
Enlargement of their Parish Church.
A Bill entitled, An Act for imposing an Additional Duty of Two
Pounds p Poll on all Negroes imported into this Province.
A Bill entitled an Act to continue the Power of Sheriffs and Col-
lectors, under the Act entitled, An Act granting a Supply of Forty
Thousand Pounds for his Majestys Service, and Striking Thirty
four Thousand and Fifteen Pounds Six Shillings thereof, in Bills
of Credit, and raising a Fund for sinking the same, in Collecting
and Accoutning for the several sums due in Value of that Act.