Monday Morning 21st November 1763
This house met again according to Adjournment
Daniel Dulany Esq.r
Benjamin lasker Esq.r
Stephen Bordley Esq.r
Richard Lee Esq.r
John Ridout Esq.r
Benedict Calvert Esq. r
Philip Key Esq.r
Read the Second time the Bill empowering the Sheriffs to collect
the several Sums passed
Read the Second time the Bill Entituled An Act for imposing
an Additional Duty of ten Pounds p Pole on all Negroes imported
into this Province and will pass with the following Amendments
Leave out the Preamble and the Word therefore, in the 3d Line, and
instead of Ten Pounds, ensert Two Pounds and instead of Twenty
insert, Ten
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
Richard Lee and Benedict Calvert Esquir's are sent from the
Upper House by the Governor to require the attendance of the
Speaker with the Lower House to see the Bill for the Adjournment
of Frederick County Court receive the Assent the Lower House
Accordly Attend and by their Speaker Present to His Excellency the