U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Oct. 6
be promoted and encouraged, Consistent with the Laws of Great
Britain; to which your Excellency may be assured, We shall on this,
and every other Occasion, pay the greatest Regard; and we flatter
ourselves your Excellency is Satisfied, that nothing will be wanting
on our parts to provide for the payment of the Militia and other
Persons, that have Claims on the Publick, as soon as their respective
Accounts can be adjusted.
Sensible of the Truth of Your Excellency's Observation, that,
without Harmony between the Several Branches of the Legislature,
our Meetings here can be of no real Benefit or Utility to our Country,
we take the Liberty to assure you, that we continue both disposed
and resolved to cultivate it and to do every Thing on our Parts, that
can tend to promote the Welfare of the Province, which it must ever
be our true Interest and earnest Desire to advance,
5th October 1763 Benjamin Tasker President
Oct. 7
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
His Excellency is pleased to Communicate to this house his answer
to their address which follows in these words
Gentlemen of the Upper house of Assembly
I Thank you kindly for your obliging Address, and Doubt not
but your Proceedings will be agreeable to the assurances you have
been Pleased to give me. Horatio Sharpe
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning ten of the Clock