Present as in the Morning
A message from the Lower House By Mess:rs Dulany & Lloyd
By the Lower House of Assembly 5.th Oct.r 1763
May it please your honours
This house hath appointed M.r Dulany M.r Ringgold M.r Worth-
ington M.r Robert Lloyd M.r Stoddert and M.r Hall a Committee
from this house to inspect the Accounts and Proceedings of the Com-
missioners or Trustees for emitting bills of Credit established by Act
of Assembly and desires your honours will appoint one or more
Members of Your house to join in the Said Committee
Signed p Order M Macnemara Clk Lo Ho
Adjourned till to morrow Morning ten of the Clock
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Oct. 5
Benjamin Tasker Esq.r attended By the Members of this House
Presents to His Excellency their address which follows in these words
To His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq:r Governor and Commander
in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland
The humble address of the Upper House of Assembly
May it Please your Excellency
Impressed with the deepest Sense of Gratitude for the many
Instances we experienced during the War, of Our most gracious
Sovereign's Attention to the Preservation and Prosperity of these
Colonies, and for the Particular Regard that is Shewn for their
future Security and Welfare, by the Terms of a glorious and most
advantageous Peace, We with Pleasure embrace this Opportunity of
expressing our Joy at the Accomplishment of His Majesty's benevo-
lent and early Desire, by an Event so very agreeable to our wishes,
and at the Prospect afforded us, by the Increase of the Royal Family,
of the inestimable Blessings we at this Period derive from the Reign
of the Best of Kings, being extended to our Posterity.
We beg your Excellency to accept our thankful Acknowledgements
for the Speech you were pleased to make to us at the Opening of
this Session, and for the Opportunity you have given us of Consult-
ing by What means the Trade and Commerce of this Province might
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