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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 479   View pdf image (33K)
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              Provincial Court Proceedings, 1669. 479

     and every such further & other Act or Acts thing or things device Liber JJ
     or Devises Assurance or Assurances whatsoever requisite in the [p.30]
     prmisses for the better Assuring & more sure making of the sd bar-
     gained prmisses unto him the sd Henery Cooke his heires And As-
     signes for ever, be it by Enrolement of these prsents Fine Feoffment
     or otherwise or by any other such law full wayes or meanes as by him
     the said Henery Cooke or his or theire Councell learned In the Law
     shalbe reasonably Devised or required In Wittness whereof the ptyes
     to these prsents haue hereunto Interchangabhy Sett to theire hands &
     fixed theire Seales the Day & yeare first aboue Written
     Signed Sealed & Deliuered       the marke of
     In the prsents of             Willi X Canade
     Curtis Fletcher                     (Sealed)
        Henery Hyde                Eliz: his wife
     December the 14th 1669 The aforegoeingConveyance was by the
     said William Cannade & Eliz: his wife Acknowledged in Open Court

      This Indenture made the Sixteenth day of December in the
     xxxviii yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius absolute Lord & Proprie-
     tary of the Province of Maryland and Avalon Lord Barron of Balti-
     more &c Annoq Domini One Thousand 5ix hundred Sixty Nine
     Betweene George Alderson of Calvert County in the Province of
     Maryland Tayler on the one Pte and Alexander Draper of Summeset
     County on the othere Pty wittnesseth that the said George Alderson
     for & in Consideracon of One Thousand Six hundred pounds of
     Tobbacco to him in hand paid by the sd Allexander Draper the
     Receipt Whereof the sd Georg Allderson doth hereby Acknowledge,
     and thereof & of every Pt & Pcell thereof doth absolutly and clearly
     acquitt Exonerate & discharge the said Allexander Draper, his heires
     Execrs & Assignes, by these prsents hath Given Granted Bargained,
     Aliened, Sold, Enfeoffed & Confirmed and by these prsents doth Give,
     grant, bargaine Sell infeoff and Confirme unto him the said Allex-
     ander Draper his heires and Assignes for ever, all that Pcell of Land
     Called Sct Pullcers hying On the East side of Cheseapiake Bay in
     Transqukein River in the Northwest Branch of the said River on the
     West side of the Branch begining for the breadth at the Eastermost
     Corner tree of a Pcell of Land laid out for James Mulakin, & [p.31]
     Runing from the sd tree downe the Branch One hundred Pches south
     West and by South to a Pcell of Land laid out for Ishmaell wright
     and into the Woods for length three hundred & twenty perches north
     west & by west bounded one the North by a line drawne North East &
     by North one hundred Pches bounded one the East by a line drawne
     South East Three hundred and twenty Pches to the first bounded tree
     on the South with the afforesaid Branch Containing & now laid out
     for two hundred Acres, more or Less Together wth all the Rights &
     benefitts thereunto belonging as also all Pattents Deeds Writeings &

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 479   View pdf image (33K)
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