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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 478   View pdf image (33K)
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             478        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1669.

        Liber JJ January 12th 1669.
                Came John Shepheard of st Maries County and requested the
              marke of his Cattle might be recorded, vizt Swallow forked and
              underkeeld in both eares and a nick on the upper side of the right eare.

        [p. 29] This Indenture made the fifteenth Day of December in the xxxth
              yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius absolute Lord & Proprietary of
              the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon lord Barron of Baltimore &c
              Annoq Dom One Thousand Six hundred Sixty Nine Betweene
              William Cannady of the County of St Marys In the Province of
              Maryland Planter on the One pte and Henery Cooke of London Mar-
              chant of the other Pte wittnesseth that the said William Cannady for
              & in Consideracon of Foure Thousand Eight hundred pounds of
              Tobbacco to him in hand paid by the §d Henery Cooke the receipt
              Whereof the sd William Cannady doth hereby acknowledge and
              thereof & every Pt & Pcell thereof doth hereby absolutely Clearly
              exonerate acquit & Discharge the sd Henery Cooke his heires Execrs
              Administrators or Assignes by these prsents hath Given Granted bar-
              gained Aliened Sold Infeoffed & Confirmed & by these prsents doth
              fully Clearly & absolutely give grant bargaine Alien Sell Enfeoffe &
              Confirme unto him the said Henery Cooke his Heires & Assignes for
              ever, The Easterne half e or Moyety of a Pcell of Land lying one the
              West Side of the Herring Creeke bounded wth a Branch which Pteth
              it the said Land and the Old feild which was the Plantation that John
              Cornelius did formerly liue upon & so to the Land that was Thomas
              Bushells not Coming over the Branch that Pteth the Old feild & that
              Cont and Laid out for One hundred & fifty Acres more or less To-
              gether with all the Rights & benefitts thereunto belonging and also
              all Pattents Deeds Wrightings thereunto belonging & all evidences
              touching or Concerneing the same to haue & to hould the said Pcell
              of Land & all other the Bargained Primesses unto him the said
              Henery Cooke his Heires & Assignes for ever and the said Willm
              Cannady for him selfe his heires Execrs Administrators doth hereby
              Covenant & Grant to & with the said Henery Cooke his Heires &
              Assignes that he the said William Cannaday his heires Execrs Admin-
              istrators the said Pcell of land & all other the bargad prmisses unto him
              the sd Henery Cooke his heires & Assignes against him self e & his
              wife & all mannor of psons whatsoever Claiming by from or under
              him shall & will for ever hereafter warrant and Defend by these
              prsents the rents & services hereafter to become Due to the lord Pro-
              prietary for the same allwayes Excepted and foreprized & farther that
              the sd William Cannaday & his wife theire heires & Assignes shall
              & will from time to time and at all times hereafter during the space
              of Seaven Yeares at the request & at the Proper Cost & Charge In the
              law of him the said Henery Cooke his heires & Assignes make doe
              execute & suffer or cause to be made done Executed or Suffered all

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 478   View pdf image (33K)
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