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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 323   View pdf image (33K)
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              Provincial Court Proceedings, 1668.     323

    Hill) Scituate lying and adjoyning to the land called St !awrence Liber FF
    Freehold on the North side of Brettons in St Maries County afore-
    said Butted and bounded as by Patent under the greate Seale of this
    Province granted in the two and thirtyeth yeare of the Dominion of
    the Right honoble Caeci!ius relacon being thereto had may more att
    large appeare Together with all writings Deeds evidences or Manu-
    scripts touching or in any waies concerning the same with all and
    singuler the rights profitts and benifitts thereunto belonging or in
    any waies apperteyning To have and to hold the said land and prem-
    ises unto the said John Jarboe his heires and assignes forever And
    the said Walter Pake doth for himselfe heires executors and ad-
    ministrs Covenant promise and agree to and with the said John Jarbo
    his heires Executors Administrators or assignes that the before
    Granted tract of land and premises now are and for ever hereafter
    shall be and continue free and cleere and freely and cleerly acquitted
    Exenorated and Discharged of and from all and singutr former and
    other bargaines Sales leases rents Guifts Grants Morgages Rent
    Charges Arrearages of Rents Joyntures Dowers Rts or Titles of Dow-
    ers judgments Statutes Mercht and of the Staple Claimes demands
    or Incumbrances whatsoever had made Comitted or done or to be
    had made Comitted or done by him the said Walter Pake his heires
    exrs Admrs or assignes or any of them their or any of their Meanes
    title assent consent or procurement And that he the said \Valter Pake
    now stands lawfully and Rightfully possest and Seazed of a good
    and just title in law to sell and Alien the same And the said walter
    Pake doth for hiniselfe his heires executors and Administrators [p. 614]
    Covenant promise and grant to and with the said John Jarboe his
    heires executors Administrators and assigns that he the said John
    Jarboe his heires executors administrators shall and may from time
    to time and att all times hereafter lawfully peaceably and quietly
    have hold use occupy possesse and injoy the said Tract of land and
    premises together with the appurtennances without any lawfull !ett
    trouble suite Eviccon or molestacon of or by him the said Wa!ter
    Pake his heires executors Administts or assignes or any of them or
    of any other person or persons lawfully clamying the same or any
    part or parcell thereof by from or under him or them or any of them
    or by from or under his or any of their meanes Titles or procure-
    ments And that he the said John Jarboe his heires executors and
    admts and assignes shall and att all tymes hereafter have receive
    perceive and take the rents yssues and profitts thereof to his and their
    owne proper uses and behoofes, the rents and Services which from
    henceforth shall Grow due or payable for the same to the cheife
    lord or lords of the Fee or Fees for the tyme being for and in respect
    for and in respect of his and their Seigniory or Seignoryes allwaies
    excepted and foreprized, In wittnes whereof the parties aforesaid to

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 323   View pdf image (33K)
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