Volume 57, Page 235 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667—68. 235 tate of the said defendt for the sume of twenty Thowsand pounds Liber FF of tobacco, wherupon Attachment issued to William Moffett one of the Coroners for Caluert County to Attach in the hands of Richard Collett then High sherriff of the said County and acknowledged by the said Collett to be Justly due by bill from him to the said Richard Fitz-Allen the sume of Eight Thowsand pounds of tobacco which was accordingly attached in the said Colletts hands by the said Coroner & returne made thereof also one Other Attachmt part of the said whole Attachmt issued to Moses Stagoll sherriff of Kent County to Attach any the Estate belonging to the said Fitz-Allen, who ac- cordingly attached in Toby Wells of the said County of Kent his hands what Estate the said Wells had in his hands & possession be- longing to the said FitzAllen and Fourteen hundred pounds of tobacco more Attached by the said sherriff in the hands of William Head of the said County and returne likewise made thereof The plt produceth his Accompt to the Court, which amounts to the sume of Thireteen Thowsand seauen hundred seauenty flue pounds of tobacco according as it is allead'ged in his declaracon and allowed of by the Court, Wherefore Execucon is granted the plt agst the Estate of Richard Collett for Eight Thowsand pounds of tobacco abouespecifyed and Attached as the Estate of Richard Fitzallen also Execucon agst any Other person that had Attachmt leauyed for soe much of Allens Estate as was then in theire hands and possession, also Execucon is awarded the plt for any other part of the said Allens Estate that shall be hereafter found in any persons hands whatsoeuer untill his said debt of 13775 lb tob: shall be fully sattis- fyed wth all Cost and Charges susteyned and accrued in the said suite Richard Edelen plt The plt sues the defendt in an accon of the [p. 538] Justinian Gerrard deft Case The sherriffe of St Marys County re- Rozar p quer turnes a Non est Inuentus—Wherefore Or- dered the plt haue Attachmt agst the Estate of the de fendt for his debt alleadg'd in his Declaracon being for flue pounds tenn shillings sterling ret next Prouinall Court Georg Day plaintiff in an accon of the Case—Resplted untill Luke Gardner defendt - next Court the defendt being Ordred then John Morecroft p quer Tho: Nottley p defendt to put in his plea Christopher Birkhead Complt this Cause depending Chancery the John Russell defendant defendt hath time untill next Court Dan: Jenifer p quer to put in his Answere to the Complts Jn0 Morecroft p deft Bill |
Volume 57, Page 235 View pdf image (33K) |
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