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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667. 231 meanes act consent tytle intrest priuity or procurement (the Rents Liber FF and seruises which from henceforth from time to time for or in respect of the premises shall grow due and payable to the cheife Lord or Lords of the Fee or Fees of the premises only exepted and fore- priezed) and further the said Robert Brooke for himselfe his heires excurs and admrs doth hereby couenant and agree with the said Wil- liam Euans that he the said Robert Brooke his heires or assignes and all and euery other prson and prsons and theire heires Lawfully haue- ing or claimeing or Rightfully pretending to haue or claime or right- fully pretend to haue any estate Right tytle intrest or demand into or out of the premises or any part or parcell of them by from or under the said Robert Brooke his heires or assignes shall and will from time to time and at all times for and dureing the space of seauen yeares next insueing the date of these prsents att and upon the reasonable request and att the costs and Charges in the law of the said William Euans his heires or assignes make doe performe acknow leauy execute and suffer or cause to be made done performed Knowledged leauyed executed and suffered all and euery such further law full and reasonable act and acts thing and things deuice and deuices assureance and assureances and conueyences in the law what- soever for the further better and more perfect assurance truely sure makeing and Conueying of all and singuler the before hereby graunted or mentioned to be granted primises with theire and euery of theire rights members and appurtanances unto the said William Euans his heires or assignes Bee it by Fine or Fines Feofment or Feofments deed or Deeds Enrolled or not Enrolled the Enrollment of these presents Recouery or Recoueryes with single or double voucher or vouchers release or confirmation or by all and euery or any the wayes or meanes aforesaid or by any other wayes or meanes [p. 534] whatsoever as by the said William Euans his heires or assignes or by his or theire Councell Learned in the Laws shall bee reasonably deuised aduised or required: soe as the said Robert Brooke his heires executrs or admrs or such other person or persons who shall be re- quired to make such further assurence bee not compelled or com- pellable to trauaile further then unto St Maryes or to such other plase where the prouinciall Court for this province shall be then held and kept in or aboute the makeing thereof: And lastly it is couenanted graunted concluded condesended unto and fully agreed uppon by and betwene the said parties to these presents that all Fines Feoffements recoueries and assurences in the Law whatsoeur had made leaueid Knowledged suffered or done by or betwenne the said parties to these pents or any of them of, for, touching or concerneing the said Mes- suage or tennement and all and singuler other the before hereby granted premises with their rights, members, and Appurtenances and euery or any part thereof shall be and inure and shall be construed esteemed, adiudged, and taken to bee and inure to the only proper |
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Volume 57, Page 231 View pdf image (33K) |
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