Volume 57, Page 229 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667. 229 and Confirme unto the said Willm Euans his heires and assignes for Liber FF euer all that peice or parcell of Land first granted unto William Thompson deceased and since in the tenure and ocupacon of the said William Euans Lying scituate and being one the east side of St Clem- ents bay in Patowmacke Riuer and in the County of St Maryes Con- taineing two Hundred and Fiefty Acres of Land the Bowndes whereof are perticulerly sett downe and dcscribed in the pattent or Graunt of the said parcell of land beareing date att St maries, the Eighth day of June Ano Doth one Thousand six hundred Forty Nine, with all & singuler itts rights members iurisdictons and appur- tenances Together with all howses edifices Buildings Barnes Stables orchards Gardens yards Backsides easements Lands Tenements mee- dowes Feedings Pastures Woods underwoods Proffitts Comodities Comon of pasture, wayes hereditaments and appurtenances whatso- euer to the said Messuage or tenement and premises or to any part or parcell of them belonging or in any wise appertaineing: All which said messuage Land Tenements Feedings pastors Closes and Heredi- taments with there and euery of theire Rightes members and Appur- tenances whatsoeuer before in and by these prsents mentioned or intended to be granted are situate Lying and being in Clements Bay in the County of St Maryes as is aboue rehearsed and now in the [p. 532] tenure and occupacon of the said William Euans as aforesaid: and the Revercon and Revercons Remainder and Remainders of all and singler the before mentioned premises and all rent and Rents reserued upon any Grant or Grants demise or demises made of the primises or of any part or persell of them and allso all the estate right tytle intrest use possession property dame and demand whatsoever of him the said Robert Brooke of in or to the same: And all deeds writings Euidences Charters Transcripts of Fines Court Roules Escripts and minuments whatsoever touching or Concerning the primises or any part thereof or parcell of them To haue and to Hould the said mes- suage or tennement and all and singuler other the primises hereby granted bargained and Sould or mentioned to be herein or hereby granted bargained and Sould with there and euery of there Rights members and appurtenances whatsoever unto the said William Euans his heires or assignes to the onely proper use and behofe of the said William Euans his heires and Assignes for euer: and the sd Robert Brooke for himselfe and his heires &c the said Messuage or tene- ment and all and singuler other primises before Granted bargained and sould with the appurtenances unto the said William Euans and his heires to the only proper use and behofe of the said William Euans his heires and assignes for euer against him the said Robert Brooke his heires and asignes and all and euery other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claymeing by from or under him them or any of them shall and will warrant and for euer defend by these presents and the said Robert Brooke for himselfe his heires executors |
Volume 57, Page 229 View pdf image (33K) |
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