Volume 57, Page 192 View pdf image (33K) |
192 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667. Liber FF ably & quietly from henceforth for eü have hold Occupy possesse and Enjoy the sd parcell of land & all other the Premisses with the appur- tennances with the appurtenances & take pceive receive & enjoy the rents issues & profitts thereof for the only use of him the sd William Groom his heires & Assignes for eu from henceforth wthout any lett Trouble Evicon Recovery or Expulsion of or by him the Phillip Cálvert or other wise by any other person or persons by the meanes title or procuremt of him the sd Philip Calvert or otherwise And more over the sd Philip Calvert for him & his heires Covenanteth with him the said William Groome his heires and assignes tht he the sd Philip Calvert & Ann his wife & the heires of the sd Philip Calvert from tyme to tyrne & att all times hereafter att the reasonble request & costs & execute & cause to be done made in the lawe only of the said William Groome his heires or assignes shall & will doe make knowledge suffer & execute & cause to be made done knowledged suffered & executed all & singuler act & Acts thing & things in the lawe wth warrty only agt him & his heires which by the said William Groome his heires or assignes or his or their Councell learned in the law of this province shalbe devized or advized for the furthr & bettr assurance & sure making of all & singler the pmisses to be had and made sure to the sd Wm Groome his heirs & assignes for his & their owne use absolutely without any condicon wtsoever In wittnes whereof the sd Philip Calvert to this present Indenture hath sett his hand & seale the day & yeare first above writtn annocp Dni 1666 Signed sealed & deliüd aft Philip Calvert the intlineing of theis words (seale) the rents & services hereafter to become due & payable for the same alwaies excepted & foreprized) in the pnce of us William Coursey James Neale [p.481] Acknowledged in open Court by the wthin written Phillip Calvert Esq On the 11th day of Aprill 1667 to be the Rt of the said William Groome & his heires forever Daniel Jenifer Cler Know all men by theis pnts tht I Philip Calvert in the province of Maryland Esq doe acknowledge my selfe to be firmly bound & obliged unto Wm Groome of Calvert County gent in the sume of thirty thousand pounds of good Sound thchantable Tobacco in caske to be paid to him or his cteine Attorney To the wch paymt well & truly to be made I bind me my heires Executors & Admrs firmly by theis pnts Signed with my hand & sealed wth my Seale this tenth day of Aprill one thousand six hundd sixty seaven The Condicon of this pnt Obligacon is tht if the above named William Groome his heires executors Admrs & assignes & eüy of thm |
Volume 57, Page 192 View pdf image (33K) |
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