To His Excellency Horatio Sharp Esq.r Governor & Commander
In Chief, in and over the Province of Maryland; and to ye Honour-
able the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly.
The Petition of John Metcalfe.
Humbly sheweth —
That your Petitioner is a Languishing Prisoner, in the Custody of
the Sheriff of Frederick County, for this three Years; for divers sums
of money, and Tobacco; which through great Losses, and Mis-
fortune, is rendered uncapable of discharging the same: Your
Petitioner is willing to surrender up all his Estate real, and personal,
for the benefit of his Creditors Humbly prays that your Excellency,
and Honours, will take his miserable unhappy Circumstances into
your Consideration, and grant him such relief as to your Excellency,
and honours, shall seem meet. And your Petitioner shall as in duty
bound ever Pray &c.
Frederick County — We the Subscribers Justices of the peace for
the said County, do certify that your Petitioner John Metcalfe is a
of Md.
Black Book
No. 1
Letter 22
Hall of