Excellency and Honours will compassionately take his unhappy and
deplorable Situation, into your Considerations; and grant him such
relief as to your Excellency and Honours Shall seem meet. And your
Petitioner shall as in duty Pray &c
Fredrick County
We his Lordships Justices of the Peace for the said County, do
hereby Certifye that the above Petitioner John Turnbull is a
Prisoner in the said County for Debt, and therefore we do hereby
recommend him to your Excellency and honours as a object of
Th.o Beatty David Lynn
Jos. Smith Mos. Chapline
Cha.s Jones Jos. Wood
Pet.r Bainbridge Andrew Heugh
W.m Luckett Tho.s Norris
I hereby Certifie that Thos Beatty Jos Smith Chas Jones Petr
Bainbridge Wm Luckett David Lynn Mos Chapline Jos Wood
Andrew Heugh & Thos Norris were at the time of Signing the above
Petition of his Lordships the R.t Honourable the Lord Proprietarys
Justices of the Peace for Frederick County In Testimony whereof I
have hereunto set my hand and Affixed the Public Seal of said
County this 10th day of March Anno Dom 1760
SEAL Jno Darnall Cl.