picious Government by a grateful and Adequate Retribution in their
Zealous Affection and firm Attachment to your Sacred Person and
by every Solace of Human Nature and most fervently pray that
Your Majestys Reign may be distinguished as well by its Length as
its Felicity
Horatio Sharpe
Benj:a Tasker President
To the Right Honble Frederick Lord Baron of Baltimore Abo-
lute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland &c
The humble Address of your Lordships Governor and Upper
House of Assembly
Thinking it our Indispensible Duty to pay that Tribute of Respect
due to the Memory of our late most Excellent Sovereign which
gratitude has dictated to all our fellow Subjects who have uni-
versally Enjoyed the Blessings of his gracious Rule and Paternal
care and also to congratulate his present Mejesty on his Accession to
the Crown under whose Protection and Government we have so fair
a Prospect of Enjoying all our Rights in the same Extent from the
same source of Royal Virtues We have framed an Address of Con-
dolence and Congratulation to the Kings most Excellent Majesty
which we take the Liberty to request that your Lordship will do
us the Honour to Present
H Sharpe
B Tasker President
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning