Wednesday Morning 29th April 1761
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday
His Excellency is pleased to communicate to this house the fol-
lowing Message
Gentlemen of the Upper House of Assembly
As the Members of the Lower House in an Address which was
presented to me, the 15th Instant expressed a Willingness to join
with us in such a one to his Majesty as I had then mentioned in
my Messages to both houses, I was in hopes that they would most
readily have done so, but since I perceive by the Report which ac-
companied your Yesterdays Address that they are averse to join us
in any unless such a Clause be added to that which was offered to
the Committee by some of your Members as Seems to be extrembly
improper and foreign to the subject of that Address, I presume there
is not any probability of our all joining in one and the same Address
to our most gracious Sovereign and therefore as I think it would
become Us to transmit one with out longer delay I will if you please
immediately sign that of Which you have presented me with a Copy
The 29th April 1761 Horatio Sharpe
To the Kings most Excellent Majesty
The humble Address of the Lieutenant Governor and the Upper
House of Assembly in the Province of Maryland
Deeply Affected with the severe Loss we in Common with our
Fellow subjects have sustained by the Death of Our late most Ex-
cellent King of happy memory whose paternal Care the Inhabitants
of these Colonies have in the Amplest Manner Experienced in the
Course of his long mild just and Glorious Reign favourably permit
us most gracious sovereign to Condole with your Majesty that