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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 353   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 353

Mr. Speaker (with the Rest of the Members of the Lower House)
returned, and re-assumed the Chair.

Mr. Matthew Tilghman, a Delegate Elected by the Freeholders
of Queen-Anne's County to serve in the General Assembly of this
Province, and Mr. William Thomas, a Delegate Elected by the
Freeholders of St. Mary's County, appeared in the House :
Ordered, That Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Sothoron do go with those
Gentlemen to the Upper House, to see them there Qualified. They
return and acquaint Mr. Speaker, That they saw them Qualified in
the usual Manner.
The Gentlemen took their Seats in the House.
On Motion, Ordered, That the Governor's Speech (a Copy of
which he delivered to Mr. Speaker) Read by the Clerk; which being
Read the first and second Time, Ordered, That an Address be
prepared to his Excellency in Answer to his Speech; and that
Colonel Tilghman, Mr. Charles Goldsborough, Mr. Murdock, Mr.
Matthew Tilghman, and Mr. Carroll, do prepare and bring in an
Address accordingly.
On Motion, Resolved, That the Hours of Sitting this Session, for
Dispatch of Public Business, be from Nine of the Clock before
Noon until Twelve, and from Two of the Clock Afternoon until Five.
On Motion, Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do issue his Warrant to
the Deputy Secretary of this Province to make out Writs directed
to the Sheriffs of Anne-Arundel, Kent, Caecil, and Charles, Counties,
to cause Delegates to be Elected for the said Counties, in the Room
of Messieurs Philip Hammond, Alexander Williamson, Henry
Ward, and Arthur Lee, late Delegates, Deceased.
Ordered, That Mr. Dulany do acquaint the Reverend Mr. Alex-
ander Williamson, That he is requested by this House to Read
Divine Service, during this Session, at a Quarter before Nine of
the Clock in the Morning, and at Five of the Clock Afternoon.
The House appointed Mr. Carroll, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Lloyd, Mr.
John Goldsborough, and Mr. Matthew Tilghman, a Committee of
Elections and Privileges.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
Sept. 26

Mr. Murdock, Mr. Gassaway, Mr. Govane, Major Hynson, Col.
Travers, Mr. Sulivane, Mr. John Goldsborough, and Col. Cresap, a
Committee of Accounts.

Mr. Murdock, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Gassa-
way, Mr. Charles Goldsborough, and Mr. Matthew Tilghman, a
Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice.

Mr. Fraser, Col. Cresap, Capt. Chapline, Capt. King, and Mr.
Stoddert, a Committee to enquire into the State and Condition of the
Arms and Ammunition, and Accounts relating thereto.

Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Dulany, Mr. Earle, Mr. Worthington, Mr. Han-
son, and Mr. Stoddert, a Committee to Inspect the Accounts and

p. 283

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 353   View pdf image (33K)
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