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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 352   View pdf image (33K)
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352 Assembly Proceedings,

Sept. 26-Oct. 15, 1760.

L. H. J.

Liber No. 51
Sept. 26

For Dorchester County,

Mr. Daniel Sulivane,
Mr. Charles Goldsborough,
Col. Henry Travers.

For Frederick County,

Capt. Joseph Chapline,
Col. Thomas Cresap.

A sufficient Number of Delegates to compose a Lower House of
Assembly having met at the Stadt-House ;

Ordered, That Mr. John Goldsborough and Col. Travers do ac-
quaint his Excellency the Governor therewith.
They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker, That they delivered the

p. 281

Col. Hammond, and Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq; from the Upper
House, acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the Governor requires the
Attendance of the Lower House of Assembly immediately in the
Council Chamber.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and (with the Rest of the Members
of the Lower House) went to the Council Chamber; where his
Excellency made the following Speech, viz.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
You are at this Time Convened, in Consequence of a Letter which
I lately received from the Officer Commanding his Majesty's Forces
on Lake Erie and the River Ohio, wherein, after intimating that the
Service of the Regular Troops commanded by his Excellency General
Amherst will be wanted in some other Quarter, he signifies to me,
that for the Support of his Majesty's Rights on that Lake and River
it will be absolutely necessary, that this Province should furnish
at least Two Hundred Men, with a proportionate Number of Com-
missioned and Non-Commissioned Officers, who, together with the
Provincial Troops in the Pay of the neighbouring Colonies, may be
employed in Garrisoning his Majesty's Forts in that Department.
Such, Gentlemen, are the Contents of General Monckton's Letter,
which it is my Duty to recommend to your immediate Consideration ;
and as the Service that you are desired to provide for is so very
Essential, and the General's Requisition may be so easily complied
with, I flatter myself you will more chear fully embrace the Oppor-
tunity that is now given you of contributing towards the Preserva-
tion of his Majesty's Rights in this Part of America, and of remov-
ing, in some Degree, the unfavourable Opinion which the Measures

that have for some Time been unhappily pursued here, have inclined

many, besides his Majesty's Generals on this Continent, to entertain
of the People of Maryland.

p. 282

If, Gentlemen, after you have made Provision for the Service
which I have recommended to your Consideration, you shall think
fit to proceed to other Business, you may be assured of my ready
Concurrence any Measure likely to promote the Ease, Interest, and
Prosperity of the Inhabitants of this Province.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 352   View pdf image (33K)
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