264 Assembly Proceedings, March 22-April 11, 1760.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 8
and Persons, hereafter appointed to demand and receive the same;
and to Pay to the Agents, Commissioners and Persons aforesaid,
out of any Bills of Credit now in their Office unappropriated, or
which shall on any Account whatsoever be received into the same,
before the First Day of June next, to the amount of Nine Thousand
Pounds; and also to pay to the Agents, Commissioners, and Persons
aforesaid, out of the Bills of Credit now in the said Office appro-
priated to the Payment for Scalps or Prisoners, to the amount of
Two Thousand Pounds, which said Sum of Two Thousand Pounds,
the said Commissioners or Trustees shall Replace, by the first Bills
of Credit which shall be paid into the said Office after they have
received in to the amount of Nine Thousand Pounds, including the
said Bills of Credit now in their Office unappropriated.
III. And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and
Consent aforesaid, That Bills of Credit to the Value of Forty Thou-
sand Pounds Current Money of America, according to an Act of
Parliament made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of the late Queen
Anne, for ascertaining the Rates of foreign Coins in the Plantations,
shall be Printed and Struck with all convenient Speed, on good
single Paper, under the Care and Directions of the Commissioners
or Trustees for Emitting Bills of Credit established by Act of As-
sembly, for the Time being, in Manner and Form following; "This
p. 211
Indented Bill of shall pass Current for the Sum
herein mentioned, in all Payments, according to the Directions of
an Act of Assembly of Maryland. Dated in Annapolis the
Day of Anno Domini ": And shall be of
the several and respective Denominations following, and no other,
to wit, Sixteen Thousand Bills of Twenty Shillings each, Sixteen
Thousand Bills of Fifteen Shillings each, Sixteen Thousand Bills
of Ten Shillings each, and Sixteen Thousand Bills of Five Shillings
each. And the Sum of Money that each and every of the said Bills
is to pass for, shall be Printed at the Top of such Bill in Words
at Length, and the said Bills of Credit shall be Printed, Struck and
Stamped, as near as may be, with the same Types, Marks and
Stamps, with which the last Emission of Bills of Credit were
Printed, Struck and Stamped, and the said Marks and Stamps shall,
by the said Commissioners or Trustees, be delivered out of their
Office to the Printer, who shall be employed to Print the said Bills
of Credit for that Purpose; and the said Bills of Credit so Printed,
Struck and Stamped, the said Commissioners or Trustees shall
carry to, and deposite in their Office; and the same, as soon as con-
veniently may be, shall Sign, Date and Number, beginning for the
first Number of the Bills of each Denomination, with the Number
next following the last Number of the same Denomination of the
said last Emission: And the said Commissioners or Trustees for
Emitting Bills of Credit, are hereby directed and required to use