The Lower House. 263
not be inclined to fall upon some Method, for the Ease of the Landed
Interest, less exceptionable than that proposed by the Bill we have
rejected, rather than expose these to any Hazard, we shall be
obliged to suffer the unequal Burthen on Land, imposed by the
original Bill, to take Place.
Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.]
Md. Hist.
Soc., "Three
Bills which
did not pass,
Ordered, That the Assessment Bill be Entered on the Journal by
the Clerk of this House, and that the Printer do Print the same with
the Votes and Proceedings of this Session.
Ordered, That the Clerk of this House be allowed in the Journal
of Accounts for Entering the Assessment Bill, and the Bill for
Naturalization, with the Votes and Proceedings, on the Journal of
this Session.
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at nine of the
In pursuance of the Order of this House the following [Assess-
ment] Bill is here Entered Viz.t
An Act for granting a Supply of Sixty Thousand Pounds for his
Majesty's Service, and for defraying the Expences heretofore
incurred for the Defence and Security of the Frontier Inhabitants
of this Province, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
I. We, his Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Repre-
sentatives of the Freemen of the Province of Maryland, in Assembly
convened, taking into our serious Consideration the Expences
necessary for his Majesty's Service, and which have been incurred
for the Defence and Security of the Frontier Inhabitants of this
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 8
p. 209
Province, have, for those Ends and Purposes, and other good Ends
and Purposes mentioned in this Act, chear fully and unanimously
Given and Granted, and by this Act do Give and Grant for the Ends
and Purposes aforesaid, the several and respective Rates and As-
sessments hereafter mentioned: And do humbly Pray that it may
be Enacted,
II. And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Commsisioners or Trustees for
Emitting Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly, shall, and
they are hereby required and enjoined forthwith, to Sign, Number
and Date, of the Blank Books of Bills of Credit, for Renewment of
defaced Bills, now in their Office, Bills of Credit to the amount of
Nine Thousand Pounds, and the said Bills to Emit, make Current,
and Pay out, to the several and respective Agents, Commissioners,
p. 210