The Lower House. 177
fail in their Duty to the King, as they did the last Campaign.")
Can it be inferred from this Paragraph, that it was the Secre-
tary's Intention to justify the Conduct of the Upper House in
rejecting the Supply-Bills that have been sent to them, as your
Excellency would insinuate? We conceive not. What then could
induce your Excellency to make an odious Distinction which the
Secretary's Letter will not warrant or justify? But whatever
your Excellency's Opinion of our Conduct may be, we never-
theless entertain the most sanguine Hopes, that the Equity of the
Plan and mode for raising and contributing the Quota of this
Province for his Majesty's Service, proposed and pursued by this
House, will receive the Approbation of our Superiors, to whom we
wish it was in our power to appeal, and to whose Determination we
shall chear fully and dutifully submit.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 11
We think it unnecessary to assure your Excellency, that we are
so far from wishing to lose, that we hope long to enjoy the Fruits
of the late successful Expedition to the Westward; That we are so
far from wishing to see the French again in Possession of the Ohio
Country, and our Frontiers exposed to the dreadful Incursions of
their Indian Allies, that we earnestly hope, by the Blessing of God on
his Majesty's Arms, and the Wisdom of his Councils, the French
will be entirely extirpated out of all his Dominions in North-America,
and their Indian Allies thereby be rendered subject to, and depen-
dent upon, the Crown of Great-Britain.
That we have, and always have had, a due Regard for our Safety,
and the Safety and Welfare of our Posterity; That we have, and
always have had, a due Regard for the Reputation of the Province ;
That we are, and always have been, animated by the laudable Ex-
amples of our Fellow-Subjects in the neighbouring Colonies; And
that we have, and always have had, a proper Sense of Gratitude to
the best of Kings, for his tender Concern and Solicitude for our
Security and Welfare, and to our Mother Country for the powerful
Succours supported at so vast an Expence for our Protection; we
hope the Proceedings of this House will evince.
We do not choose to enter into a Dispute at this Time with your
Excellency upon the Impropriety of your attempting to prescribe
to us what Methods to pursue for raising Supplies for his Majesty's
Service, or what to deviate from, or how far such a Conduct may
tend to deprive us of the Right lodged solely in us of proposing
p. 141
such Ways and Means, and framing such Bills for raising Supplies
from the People, as we think most reasonable, most equitable, and
most conducive to their Ease and Quiet; tho' there may be Reason to
apprehend they may be assented to with no small Degree of Re-
luctance by any other Branch of the Legislature.
We are surprized your Excellency should imagine we could be
guilty of so great an Absurdity, as to Resolve that we would "on no
p. 142