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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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176 Assembly Proceedings, April 4-1?, 1759.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 11

Wednesday, 11th April, 1759.

The House met according to Adjournment; The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday. The Proceedings were Read.
Philip Hammond, Esq; appeared in the House.
On Motion, Leave given, to bring in a Bill To reduce the Allow-
ances of the Members of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly:
Ordered, That Mr. Key, Mr. C. Goldsborough, Mr. T. Harris,
Major Waggaman, and Mr. Cockey Deye, do prepare and bring in a
Bill accordingly.
On Motion, Leave given, to bring in a Bill To disable any Member
of the Lower House of Assembly from accepting an Office under
the Government, whilst he is a Member thereof :
Ordered, That Mr. Key, Mr. C. Goldsborough, Mr. T. Harris, and
Major Waggaman, do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.

Col. Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, the follow-
ing Address, viz.

To his Excellency Horatio Sharpe, Esq; Governor and Commander
in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland :

The humble Address of the House of Delegates.

p. 139

May it please your Excellency,
Upon the most mature Consideration of the Letters from the
Right Honourable Mr. Secretary Pitt, his Excellency General Am-
herst, and Brigadier Stanwix, which accompanied your Excellency's
Message of the 9th Instant, we think ourselves indispensibly obliged
to express the grateful Sense we entertain of the fresh Instance his
Majesty has been pleased to give of his tender and paternal Care of
these Colonies, and to renew our Assurances to your Excellency,
that we shall zealously exert our Endeavours to provide for and
promote the several Services that have been so earnestly recom-
mended to us. And it is with the greatest Concern we observe, that
your Excellency has made Use of every Occasion to throw the Blame
of the Failure of Duty to the King last Year on the Lower House
of Assembly. Of the Justice or Propriety of your Excellency's
applying to this Branch of the Legislature, the Censure on the
Council and Assembly of this Province for that Failure contained
in the Right Honourable Mr. Secretary Pitt's Letter, communicated
to us at the Opening of this Session, let the Impartial judge from

p. 140

the following Paragraph of that Letter; "I am commanded to signify
to you the King's Pleasure, that you do forthwith use your utmost
Endeavours and Influence with the Council and Assembly of your
Province, to induce them to raise, with all possible Dispatch, within
your Government, as large a Body of Men, as the Number and
Situation of it's Inhabitants may allow; (in the due Performance
of which Service, it is hoped and expected they will not again

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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