Acts. 137
Money now in the Hands of the Commissioners of the Loan Office
appropriated for the Payment of Indian Scalps and Prisoners, be,
and is hereby directed and required to be paid, by the said Com-
missioners, out of the said Fund, unto the Agents appointed by
an Act of Assembly, entituled, An Act for granting a Supply of
Forty Thousand Pounds for his Majesty's Service, and striking
Thirty- four Thousand and Fifteen Pounds Six Shillings thereof in
Bills of Credit, and raising a Fund for sinking the same, who are
hereby enjoined and required, upon Receipt thereof, as soon as
conveniently may be, without Delay, to pay, or cause the same to
be paid and distributed, among the Officers and Soldiers in the Mary-
land Service, in the late Campaign under Brigadier-General Forbes,
Liber H. S.
in Manner following, that is to say, To Lieutenant Col. John Dag-
worthy, the Sum of Thirty Pounds: To every Captain, Sixteen
Pounds; To every Lieutenant, Twelve Pounds; To every Ensign,
Nine Pounds; To every Non-Commission Officer, Six Pounds ;
and the Residue of the said Fifteen Hundred Pounds to be laid out
[To whom
to be paid,
and in what
in Cloaths, or such other Necessaries, as the said Agents shall think
fit, and to be equally distributed among the private Soldiers, who
have served on the said Expedition.
p. 379
Provided always, That where any Officer or Soldier belonging
to the Maryland Forces, as aforesaid, who either died or was killed
in the said Service, during the said Campaign, that then, and in
such Case, the Money which such Officer or Soldier would have
received, in Proportion to his Degree, shall be paid to his or their
legal Representative, or Representatives, by the said Agents; any
Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
[Proviso, as
to those who
were killed.]
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Agents shall produce genuine Receipts from each Officer, Soldier,
or Representative, that such proportionable Sum of Money, Cloaths,
or other Necessaries, by him or them hath been actually received,
which Receipts shall be, by the said Agents, laid before the General
Assembly, at their next meeting, for their Inspection.
[Agents to
23d December 1758
Read and assented to
by the Lower house of
Signed p order
MMacnemara Cl lo ho
On behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary of this Province
I will this be a Law
Hor.o Sharpe
23d December 1758
Read and assented to
by the upper house of
Signed p order
JRoss Cl Up Ho
The Great Seal
in Wax app.t
I do hereby Certify that Reverdy Ghiselin Clerk of the Provincial
Court and Secretary's Office of the Province of Maryland this day
personally appeared before me the Subscriber one of the Right
Honourable the Lord Proprietary of the Province aforesaid his
p. 379