136 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 22-Dec. 23, 1758.
Liber H. S.
shall levy, collect, account for, and pay, the same to the said Vestry,
in the same Manner as other Parochial Levies and Dues are levied,
collected, accounted for, and paid, retaining to his own Use, a Salary
of Five per Cent, on all such Sums as he shall collect and pay, by
Virtue of this Act. And the said Tobacco, so by the said Sheriff
collected and paid, the said Vestry shall, and they are hereby required
to apply towards the Payment of an Organist, in the Parish aforesaid.
[If no Or-
ganist to be
applied by
the Vestry.]
Provided always, and be it Enacted, That if the said Parish
shall, at any Time, be without an Organist, all such Sum or Sums
of Tobacco, as shall at such Time be levied on the Taxable In-
habitants thereof, or shall be in the Hands of the said Vestry
unapplied, shall be by the said Vestry applied, laid out and expended,
p. 378
for the Use of the said Parish, to such Purposes, and in such
Manner, as the Majority of the Vestry, and Church-Wardens of
the said Parish shall order and direct.
[Not to be
Provided also, and be it likewise Enacted, That nothing in any
Act, or any Law contained, shall be construed to extend, to give
the Inhabitants of the said Parish a Liberty of paying off the said
Assessment in Money.
This Act to continue for and during the Term of Fifteen Years,
and until the End of the next Session of Assembly, which shall
happen after the End of the said Fifteen Years, and no longer.
23d December 1758
Read and assented to
by the Lower house of
Signed p order
MMacnemara Cl lo ho
On behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary of this Province
I will this be a Law
Hor.o Sharpe
23d December 1758
Read and assented to
by the upper house of
Signed p order
JRoss Cl Up Ho
The Great Seal
in Wax app.t
No. 11
An Act for Granting a Sum of Money as a Present to the Forces
late in the Pay and Service of this Province, and taken into his
Majesty's Service by Brigadier-General Forbes.
Whereas the Troops late in the Pay and Service of this Province,
acting in the Expedition against Fort Duquesne, under the Command
of Brigadier-General Forbes, have, by their Alacrity in his Majesty's
Service, and their personal Courage and Bravery in repelling his
Majesty's Enemies, particularly destined to distress the Inhabitants
on the Western Frontier of this Province, manifestly shewn their
Zeal for the Service in general, and this Province in particular. In
Consideration whereof, and as a distinguishing Mark of their Merit,
it is prayed that it may be enacted,
[1500l as a
Present to
the Officers
and Soldiers
late in the
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That the Sum of Fifteen Hundred Pounds, Part of the