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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758
Volume 55, Page 81   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 81

His Excellency the Governor communicated to Mr. Speaker the
following Message, viz.t
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
It having been Represented to me by Capt. Joshua Beall, and the
Officers under his Command, that they have been put to a considerable
Expence by Raising a Company of Soldiers, for the Defence of the
Frontiers of this Province, in Pursuance of an Act of Assembly,
made at our last Session; and particularly that the Captain has been
obliged to pay the Sum of Twenty-six Pounds Sixteen Shillings
and Six Pence for the Diet and Lodging of his Recruits, before they
could join the Garrison of Fort Frederick, being obliged by Law
to pay the Ordinary-Keepers after the Rate of a Shilling a Day for
each Soldier, while the Agents thought themselves restrained by the
same Act from allowing him more than Nine Pence a Day for that
Purpose I think it incumbent on me to Represent his Case to you,
and to make Application to you on his Behalf. I also take the
Liberty to remind you of that Account of Mr. Middleton's, for
bringing some Neutrals from Annapolis to this Place, which I laid
before you the sixteenth March, 1756: My Disbursements for that
and some other Services done by my Order for the Public, together

L. H. J.

Liber No. 48
April 29

with the Expences occasioned by my Journey to the Frontiers last
Summer, and those that I have been under a Necessity of taking to
the Northward, amount to a very considerable Sum. I decline sending
you any Accounts; but if, on considering this Message, you Resolve
to Reimburse me, any Accounts that you may desire, shall be laid
before you.
29th April, 1757. Horo. Sharpe.

Which was Read, and Ordered to lie on the Table.
Col.o Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, the Bill,
entituled, An Act for the Relief of sundry Inhabitants of this Prov-
ince, who have had their Servants Enlisted into his Majesty's
Service; which had been committed for Amendments, and, with the
Amendments, was Read the second Time: And the Question was
put. Whether the said Bill shall Pass, or Not? Resolved in the

p. 418

For the Affirmative,












E. Tilghman,




M. Tilghman,







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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758
Volume 55, Page 81   View pdf image (33K)
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