80 Assembly Proceedings, April 8-May 9, 1757.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
April 28
The Deposition of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Chase, of Baltimore
County, Clerk, taken the 27th April, 1757.
This Deponent being Sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty
God, saith, That a School was opened in Baltimore-Town, and con-
tinued till about Six Months ago, by one Mary Anne March, a
reputed Papist; and that although he this Deponent oft applied,
both publicly and privately, to the Three Magistrates living then
in the said Town, and who well knew the said Mary Anne March
did keep School; yet, they were so far from putting a Stop to it, that
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one of them sent his Child to it: And this Deponent further saith,
that the Protestant School-Master in the said Town, told this De-
ponent, he had lost many of his Scholars, which were immediately
put to the Popish School; and further saith not.
Thomas Chase.
Sworn to before me the Day and Year above written.
Walter Tolley.
The Deposition of Samuel Webb, of Baltimore County, taken the
25th April, 1757.
This Deponent being Sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty
God, saith, That Patrick Cavannagh served his Time with him in
Quality of a School-Master; that during his Time of Service he
went frequently to Mass, and always professed himself a Roman
Catholic; that since the Expiration of his Service, which is about
Two Years, the said Cavannagh has taught School in York County,
in Pennsylvania, until some Time this Winter, when he came into this
Province, and settled near the Head of Deer-Creek, in Baltimore
County, where he now teaches School, and lately told this Deponent
he had about Twenty Scholars; and the said Deponent further saith,
that he verily believes the said Cavannagh still professes the Roman
Catholic Religion; and further saith not.
Samuel Webb.
Sworn to before me the Day and Year above written
Walter Tolley.
Which was Read, and Ordered to lie on the Table.
The House adjourns until the Morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
April 29
Friday, 29th April, 1757.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Major Hyland hath Leave of the House to go home.
Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do write to Capt. Baker and
Capt. Smith, to attend the Public Business.