The Lower House. 685
For the Affirmative,
Hammond, Edmondson, Owings,
Gassaway, Oldham, Fraser,
L. H. J.
Liber No. 50
May 11
Goldsborough, Lecompte, King. 9
For the Negative,
Reeder, Wilson, Dulany,
Plater, M. Tilghman, Woodward,
Sothoron, Sulivane, Murdock,
Williamson, Govane, Lloyd,
Hynson, Cockey Deye, E. Tilghman,
Carroll, Hyland, Bracco,
J. J. Mackall, Earle, Chapline,
E. Gantt, Baker, Beatty.
Hanson, Ward, 26
The aforegoing Message was sent to the Upper House by Colonel
Tilghman and Mr. Carroll.
Mr. Hammond hath Leave to be absent till To-morrow Morning.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock.
Post-Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Daniel Dulany, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker, the following Message, viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly, May 11, 1758.
We have named Colonel Benjamin Tasker, Colonel Robert Jenc-
kins Henry, and Daniel Dulany, Esq; to join the Gentlemen, ap-
pointed by your House, in a Conference upon the several Matters
contained in our Message of the 18th of April last, who will be ready
to attend immediately.
Signed p Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.
Mr. Lloyd brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, the following
Report, viz.
The Committee appointed to Examine the Account of the Serjeant
at Arms, have, in Pursuance of the Order of the Honourable the
Lower House of Assembly, settled the Fees and Charges that have
accrued on the Summons issued for, and Letters directed to be sent
to, the absent Members, to attend the Public Business at the Opening
of this Session, in the following Manner, viz.
For the Expence of a Messenger to Kent-Island, and serving]
a Summons on Mr. Emory Sudler, to attend the Public 0 7 6
Business, ......................................
For the Expence of a Messenger to go to Kent County, and
serving Summons on Mr. Henry Ward, Mr. John Tilden, 2 5 0
and Mr. William Rasin, at 15s. each, .................
p. 222