684 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 28-May 13, 1758.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 50
May 11
Thursday, May 11, 1758.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday, except Major Waggaman. The
Proceedings were Read.
Mr. Thomas Gantt being sick, hath Leave to go home.
Mr. King hath Leave of Absence.
Mr. Plater appeared in the House.
On Motion, Ordered, That a Message be prepared and sent to the
Upper House, in Answer to a Message sent from that House Yester-
day by Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq ;
Mr. Murdock brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, the following
Message, viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly, May 11, 1758.
May it please your Honours,
We cannot find by our Address of Yesterday to his Excellency,
or by any Message from this House to your Honours, that we have
given you any Room to hope, that we were inclined to agree to a
general and free Conference with you on the whole Bill, as you
proposed by your Message of Yesterday. This, we apprehend, to be
inconsistent with our Rights, and it was always far from our Inten-
tion; and therefore we cannot accept your Proposal. However, that
nothing may be wanting on our Part that can be reasonably desired
p. 221
of us, and that we may further manifest the earnest Desires we have
so often repeated, to promote, to the utmost of our Power, every
Thing that might contribute, at this important Crisis, to bring about
the Passage of a Bill, on which the Honour and Credit of the Prov-
ince, and the Safety and Tranquility of the People, so greatly depend,
we shall agree to a Conference upon the Subject-Matter of your
Objections mentioned in your Message of the 18th of April last, as
was done in the Case of the £40,000 Bill : And that no Time may be
lost, we have named Colonel Tilghman, Mr. Matthew Tilghman, Mr.
Murdock, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Carroll, and Mr. Edward Dorsey, to join
such Members your Honours may be pleased to name for that
Signed p Order, M. Macnemara, Cl. Lo. Ho.
On Reading the said Message the second Time, the Question was
put, That the Right of Nomination of Commissioners by the Bill,
the Double Tax upon Non- Jurors, who may shew themselves to be
disloyal Subjects in refusing to take the Oaths proposed in the Mes-
sage of this House of the 27th of April last, the Tax upon the Pro-
prietary Estate, and that upon Lucrative Officers and Employments,
be excepted out of the Conference. Resolved in the Negative.