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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758
Volume 55, Page 665   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 665

Which Bill was Read the second Time, and will pass; and was
sent to the Upper House by Colonel Tilghman and Mr. Dorsey.
On Motion, Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do write to
the Justices of Caecil County, to make an Enquiry into the Dis-
tribution of the Money that was delivered out of the Paper Currency
Office in the Year 1734 to Mr. William Rumsey, one of the Justices
of the said County, for Payment to each Taxable for Burning To-
bacco, as directed by the Paper Currency Act, and inform this House
what Part of the said Money was distributed according to the said
Act, and what Part thereof remained in the Hands of the said Wil-

L. H. J.
Liber No. 50
May 6

liam Rumsey undisposed at the Time of his Death, or in the Hands
of any other Person; and that they do transmit a Representation
thereof to the Lower House of Assembly at the next Session.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock Afternoon.
Post-Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Mr. Edward Dorsey hath Leave of Absence.
Mr. Wilson brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, an Ingrossed
Bill, entituled, An Act to Repeal Part of an Act, entituled, An Act
Repealing Part of an Act laying an Imposition on Negroes, and
several Sorts of Liquors, imported; and also on Irish Servants, to
prevent the Importing too great a Number of Irish Papists into this
Province; and to lay a Duty upon Rum, Spirits, Wine and Brandy,
imported into this Province from Pennsylvania, or the Three Lower
Counties on Delaware, called New-Castle, Kent and Sussex; which
was Read and Assented to, and sent to the Upper House, with the
Paper Bill thereof, by Mr. Govane and Mr. Worthington.
Col. Henry, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker, the
Bill, entituled, An Act for the Relief and Release of poor distressed
Prisoners for Debt; Indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly,
3.d May, 1758. Read the first time and Ordered to lie on the Table,"
and thus " By the Upper House of Assembly 6th May, 1758, Read
the second Time, and will not pass.
Signed & Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho."

Col. Lloyd, from the Upper House, delivers to Mr. Speaker, the
Bill, entituled, An Act for Raising Two Pence Sterling for every
Hogshead of Tobacco exported out of this Province, for Payment
of an Agent in Great-Britain, for the Service of this Province;
Indorsed, " By the Upper House of Assembly, 6th May, 1758. Read
the first and second Time by especial Order, and will not pass.
Signed p Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho."

The Bill, entituled, A Supplementary Act to the Act, entituled, An
Act for Granting a Supply of £40,000 for his Majesty's Service, &c.

p. 184

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1757-1758
Volume 55, Page 665   View pdf image (33K)
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