664 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 28-May 13, 1758.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 50
May 6
Read the first Time, and the Question was put, That the said Bill be
referred to the Consideration of next Assembly. Resolved in the
For the Affirmative,
Reeder, Wilson, Dulany.
Waggaman, Edmondson, [5]
p. 183
For the Negative,
Sothoron, Oldham, Woodward,
Williamson, Sulivane, Murdock,
Hynson, Lecompte, Fraser,
Hammond, Govane, T. Gantt,
Gassaway, J. H. Dorsey, King,
Carroll, Cockey Deye, Lloyd,
Worthington, Owings, E. Tilghman,
J. J. Mackall, Hyland, Bracco,
E. Gantt, Earle, Harris,
Hanson, Baker, Chapline,
M. Tilghman, Ward, Beatty. 33
On Reading the second Time the Bill, entituled, An Act for Raising
a Duty of Two Pence Sterling for every Hogshead of Tobacco
exported out of this Province, for Payment of an Agent in Great-
Britain, for the Service of this Province, the Question was put,
That a Duty be laid on all Iron exported out of this Province, to be
applied towards the Support of an Agent in Great-Britain. Resolved
in the Negative.
For the Affirmative,
Sothoron, Wilson, Woodward.
Worthington, Edmondson,
Waggaman, Cockey Deye, 7
For the Negative,
Reeder, Oldham, Dulany,
Williamson, Sulivane, Fraser,
Hynson, Lecompte, T. Gantt,
Hammond, Govane, King,
Gassaway, J. H. Dorsey, Lloyd,
Carroll, Owings, E. Tilghman,
J. J. Mackall, Hyland, Bracco,
E. Gantt, Earle, Harris,
Hanson, Baker, Chapline,
M. Tilghman, Ward, Beatty. 3o