By a Committee of the whole House, April 16, 1757.
Resolved, That a Number not exceeding 500 Men (including
Officers, and those already Raised) be kept in Pay, for his Majesty's
Service, and for the more immediate Protection and Defence of this
Resolved, That the Sum of £7469.17.4 granted by an Act for
granting a Supply of £40,000 for his Majesty's Service, and striking
£34015.6.0 thereof in Bills of Credit, and raising a Fund for sinking
the same, for carrying on an Expedition to the Westward, and the
Sum of f 3000 by the said Act granted for engaging the Assistance,
L. H. J.
Liber No. 48
April 16
and cultivating the Friendship of the Southern Tribes of Indians,
or such Part thereof as remain unexpended, be now applied to the
Raising, Subsisting, and Defraying, all Charges and Expences at-
tending the Support of 500 Men (Officers included) and including
such Men as have been heretofore Raised for the Defence and Se-
curity of this Province, to act in Conjunction with his Majesty's
B'orces, for his Majesty's Service, for the more immediate Protection
and Defence of this Province, always leaving at Fort Frederick a
sufficient Number of Men to Guard and Protect the Frontier In-
habitants of this Province.
On Reading the said Report, the House concurs therewith.
On Motion, That a Bill be brought in to Raise and Apply a Sum
of Money, for the Raising and Subsisting 500 Men (Officers in-
cluded) for his Majesty's Service:
Ordered, That Col.o Tilghman, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Matthew
Tilghman, Mr. Murdock, and Mr. Carroll, do prepare and bring in
the same.
Ordered, That the Agents appointed by the Act for granting a
Supply of £40,000 for his Majesty's Service, &c. do immediately
lay their Accounts before this House.
The House adjourns until Monday Morning at 9 of the Clock.
Monday, 18th April, 1757.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as on Saturday, except Capt. Smith and Mr.
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock Afternoon.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Mr. Williamson is added to the Committee for Inspecting the
Accounts and Proceedings of the Paper Currency Office.
April 18