April 16
Saturday Morning, April 11,th 1757.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday, except Mr. Fraser. The Pro-
ceedings were Read.
Capt. Smith hath Leave of the House to go home.
His Excellency the Governor communicated to Mr. Speaker the
following Message : viz.t
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
I do not know that I am impowered by any Statute of England,
or any Law of this Province, to form such Regulations as are men-
tioned in your Address of the Thirteenth Instant; but the several
Governors who subscribed those Minutes, have it in Command from
his Majesty to use their utmost Diligence and Authority in procuring
an exact Observance of such Orders as shall be issued from Time to
Time by the Commander in Chief, for Quartering the Troops, Im-
pressing Carriages, and Providing all Necessaries, for such Forces
as shall arrive in, or be raised within, their respective Governments.
In a former Session, I recommended it to you to Regulate the Hire
of Waggons, that in Case his Majesty's Service should make it neces-
sary to Impress any within this Government, the People may be
obliged to furnish them at reasonable Rates; and since the Bill, which
you Framed agreeable to my Recommendation, was passed, I have
not heard that any Persons complained of the Regulation then made ;
but if you doubt whether the Rates are sufficiently established, you
may prepare another Bill for that Purpose: And as his Majesty's
Troops, that may be Ordered to this Province, must be furnished
with Quarters, it will be well to prevent any Disputes arising between
the Inhabitants and Soldiers on such Occasions, by making an Act
for Billetting and Quartering the latter in this Province, as they are
in some of the neighbouring Governments.
April 16, 1757. Hor.o Sharpe.
On Motion (the Order of the Day being Read) the House Re^
solved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider fur-
ther of the Subject-Matter, contained in the Minutes of the Meeting
held at Philadelphia, Referred to in his Excellency's Speech.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Speaker re-assumed the Chair.
Mr. Lloyd, Chairman of the Committee of the whole House, de-
livers to Mr. Speaker the following Report, viz.t