On Motion, Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms attending the
Lower House of Assembly, do summons Mr. John Reeder, Mr.
Henry Greenfield Sothoron, Mr. Edmund Key, Mr. William Rasin,
Mr. John Tilden, Philip Hammond, Esq; Capt. John Gassaway,
Mr. James John Mackall, Mr. Benjamin Mackall, Capt. Arthur Lee,
Mr. Henry Waggaman, Capt. Henry Lowes, Mr. Levin Gale, Mr.
Samuel Wilson, Mr. Joseph Cox Gray, Mr. Daniel Sullivan, Mr.
Philemon Lecompte, Mr. John Hammond Dorsey, Mr. Nicholas
Hyland, Mr. Henry Baker, Mr. Henry Ward, Mr. Francis King,
Mr. Emory Sudler, Col. John Scarborough, Col. John Henry, and
Mr. Benton Harris, Members of this House, to attend immediately
the Public Business; and that the Clerk do make a Copy of this
Order, and deliver it to the Serjeant.
Mr. Pollard Edmondson having by his Letter (communicated to
the House) an Excuse for being absent; therefore his Attendance
is for the present dispensed with.
Mr. Stoddert having by his Letter (communicated to the House)
an Excuse for being absent, his Attendance for the present is dis-
pensed with.
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at 8 of the Clock.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 50
Mar. 28
Wednesday, March 29, 1758.
The House met according to Adjournment: The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday. The Proceedings were Read.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock.
Post-Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Mr. Benjamin Mackall and Mr. Sothoron appeared in the House.
His Excellency the Governor communicated to Mr. Speaker, the
following Message, viz.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
As you have frequently made such Declarations as induce me to
Mar. 29
believe, that you look upon the Cultivating the Friendship of the
Southern Tribes of Indians, and Engaging their Assistance against
his Majesty's Enemies, as a Matter of very great Consequence to
the Common Cause, and the immediate Security of our Frontier
Inhabitants, I hope you will now, without any Hesitation, impower
me to give the Party of Cherokees that has continued with us ever
since November last, such a Reward as might encourage them to
remain in the Service to the End of the ensuing Campaign. Most of
you were present Yesterday, and heard what Otosity, their Chief,
said, when he addressed himself to me in their Behalf. I propose to
give him an Answer as soon as you shall be pleased to advise me of
your Resolutions, that those of them that are here may be at Liberty
p. 9