548 Assembly Proceedings, Mar. 28-May 13, 1758.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 50
Mar. 28
A sufficient Number of Delegates to compose a Lower House of
Assembly, being convened at the Stadt-House; Ordered, That Mr.
Goldsborough and Mr. Plater do acquaint his Excellency the Gov-
ernor therewith. They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker, That they
delivered the Message.
Colonel Hammond, and Samuel Chamberlain, Esq; from the
Upper House, acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the Governor requires
the Attendance of the Lower House immediately in the Upper House.
p. 2
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and (with the Rest of the Members
of the Lower House) went to the Upper House; where his Excel-
lency made a Speech to both Houses of Assembly; a Copy of which
he delivered to Mr. Speaker; also a Copy of a Letter from Mr.
Secretary Pitt, and a Copy of a Letter from General James Aber-
crombie, directed to the Governor of Maryland.
Mr. Speaker (with the other Members) returned to the Lower
House, and re-assumed the Chair.
Ordered, That his Excellency the Governor's Speech be Read;
which was accordingly in the following Words :
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
[This Message printed in full in Upper House Journal pp.
Ordered, That Mr. Secretary Pitt's Letter be Read; which was
in the following words.
Whitehall 30th December, 1757
His Majesty having nothing more at heart than repair the........
[Letter printed in full in Upper House Journal pp. 469-470]
P. 7
Ordered, That General Abercrombie's Letter be Read; which was in
the following words.
[This letter printed in full in Upper House Journal pp. 470-471]
Resolved, That the Rules ordered to be observed by the several
Members of this House last Session, be observed as such during
this Session.
Resolved, That the Hours of Sitting this Session, for Dispatch of
Public Business, be from Eight of the Clock in the Morning until
One, and from Two of the Clock Afternoon until Six.
p. 8
Ordered, That Mr. Goldsborough do acquaint the Reverend Mr.
Clement Brooke, That he is requested to Read Divine Service at
Three Quarters of an Hour after Seven in the Morning, and at Six
of the Clock in the Evening, during this Session.
On Motion, his Excellency's Speech was again Read.
Ordered, That an Address be prepared in Answer thereto; and
that Mr. Murdock, Colonel Tilghman, Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Lloyd, and
Mr. Carroll, do prepare and bring in such Address.