And that he thought it necessary for the Security of the whole,
that the several provinces should furnish by the following propor-
tions :
Pensilvania .................... 1400.
Maryland ...................... 500.
Virginia ....................... 1000.
North Carolina................... 400.
South Carolina .................. 500.
which joined to the King's Troops 1200.
make in the whole 5000. Men.
And the several Governors do engage to use their best Endeavours
with their several provinces to raise and support the above Number
to act in Conjunction with the regular Forces, and under the Com-
mand of his Majesty's General, or the Officer properly authorized,
according to his Majesty's Regulation.
The Meeting taking into Consideration the Situation of the
several provinces, and the Intelligence received from different parts,
it appears to them that there is Danger of the Enemy's making an
Attack on the province of South Carolina, either by Sea from S.t
Domingo, or from the Albarno Fort in the Creek Indians, on the
Head of the Mobile.
For which Reason they have agreed that there ought to be two
thousand Men employed in the Defence of that valuable Province of
South Carolina, and to secure Georgia, and that they should be
composed as follows :
Five Companies of regular Troops ...... 500.
Three independent Companies .......... 200.
Provincial Troops, raised by the Province
of South Carolina ................. 500.
Provincial Troops from North Carolina. 200.
Provincial Troops from Virginia ....... 400.
Provincial Troops from Pensilvania ..... 200.
making in the whole .... 2000. Men.