At a Session of Assembly begun and held at Baltimore Town in
Baltimore County on Friday the 8.th Day of April in the 6.th Year of
his Lordship's Dominion Annoque Domini 1757.
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esqr Governour.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 35
April 8
p. 147
the honble
Benjamin Tasker Esq.r
Col. Charles Hammond
Col: Edward Lloyd
Col : Benjamin Tasker
Richard Lee Esq.r
Benedict Calvert Esq r
Messieurs Tilghman and Henry acquaint his Excellency that there
are a sufficient Number of Members met to make a House, and wait
his Excellency's Commands.
Col: Hammond and Col: Lloyd are sent to the Lower House to
acquaint the Speaker, that his Excellency requires his immediate
The Lower House attend and his Excellency is pleased to make
the following Speech.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly.
You will learn from some Minutes which the Earl of Loudoun
has given me to lay before you that a plan has been formed for the
better Defence of his Majesty's Dominions in North America, and
for annoying his Majesty's Enemies in these parts, you will also see
what Share his Lordship expects you will take in carrying the plan
into Execution, and as the Supplies that I am to ask of you are small
in Comparison to what some of his Majesty's Colonies generously
offered to grant on this Occasion, and your Troops to be employed
for the more immediate protection of this Province, I need not I
hope use any other Argum.ts to press you to comply with his Lord-
ship's Requisitions, and as I doubt not but we all meet sincerely dis-
posed to manifest our Zeal for, and to promote the Service of our
most gracious Sovereign, I flatter myself we shall proceed with
Unanimity, and give such Dispatch to the Business, on which we
are assembled, as the present Posture of Affairs and the advanced
Season require.
Minutes taken at a Meeting of the Governours of North Caro-
lina, Virginia, Maryland and Pensilvania, with the Earl of Loudoun
Commander in chief of his Majesty's Forces in North America,
began at Philadelphia, the 15::of March, and continued by several
Adjournments to March 1757: