24 Assembly Proceedings, April 8-May 9,
U. H. J.
Liber No. 35
April 29
D.r William Hedges Sheriff of Cscil County.
To List of Ord.y Licences 1755. £58.10.0, Com
2.18. 0 1/2.................................
55- 2. 9 1/2
To D.o 1756: £52.5.0. Com. 2.12.3................
£104.15.6 1/2
Sep.r 19. By Money paid .......................
55.10. 3 1/2
Ballance due ................................
49. 5. 3
£104.15.6 1/2
p. 166 Your Committee find the Accounts of the Sheriffs, Trippe, Porter,
and Bradford are not credited for any Monies paid the Commis-
sioners, but stand in the same State, and Condition they were
reported last October Session.
Your Committee also report that they have examined the Accounts
of Messieurs William Hunt, and John Hanbury, who are appointed,
and entrusted with the Management of that Part of the Trust,
directed by the Act to be transacted in London, and do find that by
the last Account transmitted to the Comm." of the Paper Currency,
by the Trustees bearing date the 6.th Day of May 1755, they had to
that Time received, and laid out 27,335. m tne Purchase of 19,500.
Capital Bank Stock, but your Committee beg leave to observe, that
by the Copy of the Certificate, or Attestation hereunto annexed,
which accompanied the last Accounts rendered it does not appear,
that the Purchase had been made, or that the Trustees had procured
the same to be entred in the Books of the Company to be for the Use,
and in Trust for the Province of Maryland, therefore conceive such
Certificate or Attestation, not a proper Testimonial from the Bank
of Entries, and Transfers as the Law requires should be yearly laid
before both Houses of Assembly.
Your Committee further observe that by the List of Entries made
by Stephen Bordley Esquire, Naval Officer for Port Annapolis, it
appears, that on the 29.th Day of April 1756. there was imported in
the Ship Greyhound, Captain Alex:r Steuart seventy five Convicts,
and that on the first Day of September 1756. there was imported
in the Ship Lyon James Dyer, ninety one Convicts to serve for seven
Years, and upwards, that upon Clearance of the Ship Greyhound
Captain Scott, then Master of said Ship refused to pay any Duty
for the 75. Convicts imported by said Steuart in said Ship, and that
Captain Dyer refused to pay any Duty for the ninety one Convicts
to serve for seven Years, and upwards, and by the Account of